*2001= articles published in year 2001


AGU Announces the 2022 Class of Fellows

H = 81 (from Googles Scholar, updated on January 24, 2025)

Googles Scholar: Chen-Tung Arthur Chen

H = 69 (from Web of Science, updated on January 24, 2025)

Web of Science ResearcherID: C-8901-2011

Publons: Chen-Tung Arthur Chen

ORCID: 0000-0002-5170-6471



(Peer Reviewed Papers and Book Chapters Only: the first author is always the senior author. SCI: denotes SCI journals. *: Corresponding author. Cited times from Google Scholar).


Chen, C.T. and F.J. Millero

The specific volume of seawater at high pressures

Deep-Sea Research, 23 (7), 595-612

Published on: July 1976



cited 112 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI)            2.

Chen, C.T. and F.J. Millero

Reevaluation of Wilson's sound-speed measurements for pure water

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 60 (6), 1270-1273

Published on: December 1976



cited 86 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI)            3.

Chen, C.T. and F.J. Millero

Effect of salt content on the temperature of maximum density and on static stability in Lake Ontario

Limnology and Oceanography, 22 (1), 158-159

Published on: January 1977



cited 30 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI)            4.

Chen, C.T. and F.J. Millero

Precise equation of state of seawater for oceanic ranges of salinity, temperature and pressure

Deep-Sea Research, 24 (4), 365-369

Published on: April 1977



cited 32 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI)            5.

Chen, C.T.* (Chen, G.T), R.T. Emmet and F.J. Millero

The apparent molal volumes of aqueous solutions of NaCl, KCl, MgCl2, Na2SO4, and MgSO4 from 0 to 1000 bars at 0, 25 and 50¢XC

Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 22 (2), 201-207

Published on: 1 April 1977



cited 88 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI)            6.

Chen, C.T.* (Chen, G.T), R.A. Fine and F.J. Millero

The equation of state of pure water determined from sound speeds

Journal of Chemical Physics, 66 (5), 2142-2144

Published on: 1 March 1977

doi: 10.1063/1.434179


cited 219 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI)             7.

Chen, C.T.* and F.J. Millero

The use and misuse of pure water PVT properties for lake waters

Nature, 266, 707-708

Published on: 21 April 1977



cited 117 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI)            8.

Chen, C.T. and F.J. Millero

The volume and compressibility change for the formation of the LaSO4+ ion pair at 25¢XC

Journal of Solution Chemistry, 6 (9), 589-607

Published on: September 1977



cited 9 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI)            9.

Chen, C.T.* and F.J. Millero

Speed of sound in seawater at high pressures

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 62 (5), 1129-1135

Published on: November 1977



cited 695 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI)          10.

Chen, C.T. and F.J. Millero

Speed of sound in deuterium oxide relative to normal water as a function of temperature and pressure

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 62 (3), 553-557

Published on: September 1977


cited 8 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI)           11.

Chen, C.T., R.A. Fine and F.J. Millero

Comment on "A new density relation for pure and saline water" by B. Gebhart and J.C. Mollendorf

Deep-Sea Research, 25 (5), 499-501

Published on: May 1978



cited 0 time until 2024/05/02


(SCI)          12.

Chen, C.T.*, L.S. Chen and F.J. Millero

Speed of sound in NaCl, MgCl2, Na2SO4, and MgSO4 aqueous solutions as functions of concentration, temperature and pressure

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 63 (6), 1795-1800

Published on: June 1978



cited 83 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI)          13.

Chen, C.T.* and F.J. Millero

The equation of state of seawater determined from sound speeds

Journal of Marine Research, 36 (4), 657-691

Published in: 1978


cited 55 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI)          14.

Chen, C.T.A*

Decomposition of calcium carbonate and organic carbon in the deep oceans

Science, 201 (4357), 735-736

Published in: 1978



cited 79 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI)          15.

Chen, C.T.* (G. T. Chen) and F.J. Millero

Gradual increase of oceanic CO2

Nature, 277, 205-206

Published on: 8 January 1979



cited 357 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI)          16.

Millero, F.J., J. Morse and C.T. Chen

The carbonate system in the western Mediterranean Sea

Deep-Sea Research, 26 (12), 1395-1404

Published on: December 1979



cited 57 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI)           17.

Chen, C.T.A.* and R.M. Pytkowicz

On the total CO2-titration alkalinity- oxygen system in the Pacific Ocean

Nature, 281, 362-365

Published on: 1 October 1979



cited 107 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.*

Argon solubility in seawater

In "Solubility Data series, Vol. 4, Argon." H.L. Clever, ed., Pergamon Press, 27-32

Published on: 1st April 1980


cited 0 time until 2024/05/02


(SCI)          19.

Millero, F.J., C.T. Chen, A. Bradshaw and K. Schleicher

A new high pressure equation of state for seawater

Deep-Sea Research, 27 (3-4), 255-264

Published on: April 1980



cited 409 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 20.

Chen, C.T.A.* (Chen, C.T), J.H. Chen and F.J. Millero

Densities of NaCl, MgCl2, Na2SO4, and MgSO4 aqueous solutions at 1 atm from 0 to 50¢XC and from 0.001 to 1.5m

Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 25 (4), 307-310

Published on: 1 October 1980



cited 81 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.*

Oxygen solubility in seawater

In "Solubility Data Series, Vol.7, Oxygen and Ozone." R. Battino, ed., Pergamon Press, 41-55

Published in: 1981


cited 34 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI)          22.

Chen, C.T.*

Geothermal system at 21¢XN

Science, 211 (4479), p. 298

Published on: 16 January 1981



cited 23 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI)          23.

Chen, C.T.A. and F.J. Millero

The equation of state of D2O determined from sound speeds

Journal of Chemical Physics, 75 (7), 3553-3558

Published on: 1 October 1981


cited 18 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI)          24.

Chen, C.T.A. (Chen, C.T) and F.J. Millero

Equations of state for NaCl, MgCl2, Na2SO4, and MgSO4 aqueous solutions at high pressures

Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 26 (3), 270-274

Published on: 1 July 1981



cited 21 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI)          25.

Olson, E.J. and C.T.A. Chen

Interference in the determination of calcium in seawater

Limnology and Oceanography, 27 (2), 375-380

Published on: March 1982



cited 28 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI)          26.

Chen, C.T.A.* and W.L. Marshall

Amorphous silica solubilities IV. Behavior in pure water and aqueous sodium chloride, sodium sulfate, magnesium chloride, and magnesium sulfate solutions up to 350¢XC

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 46 (2), 279-287

Published on: February 1982



cited 161 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.*

Nitrogen solubility in seawater

In "Solubility Data Series, Vol. 10, Nitrogen and Air." R. Battino, ed., Pergamon Press, pp. 12-14, 24, 27 and 31-44

Published in: 1982

(Link to the publication)


cited 0 time until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 28.

Marshall, W.L. and C.T.A. Chen

Amorphous silica solubilities. V. Predictions of solubility behavior in aqueous mixed electrolyte solutions to 300¢XC

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 46 (2), 289-291

Published on: February 1982



cited 85 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI)          29.

Marshall, W.L. and C.T.A. Chen

Amorphous silica solubilities. VI. Postulated sulfate-silicic acid solution complex

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 46 (3), 367-370
Published on: March 1982



cited 63 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 30.

Chen, C.T.A.*, F.J. Millero and R.M. Pytkowicz

Comment on calculating the oceanic CO2 increase: a need for caution by A.M. Shiller

Journal of Geophysical Research, 87 (C3), 2083-2085

Published on: 20 March 1982



cited 57 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI)          31.

Chen, C.T.A.*

Oceanic penetration of excess CO2 in a cross section between Alaska and Hawaii

Geophysical Research Letters, 9 (2), 117-119

Published on: February 1982



cited 58 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI)          32.

Millero, F.J., C.T. Chen, A. Bradshaw and K. Schleicher

A new high pressure equation of state for seawater

Marine Geodesy, 5 (4), 367-370

Published in: 1982


cited 5 time until 2024/05/02


(SCI)          33.

Chen, C.T.A.* (Chen, C.T), R.M. Pytkowicz and E.J. Olson

Evaluation of the calcium problem in the South Pacific

Geochemical Journal, 16 (1), 1-10

Published in: 1982

https://geochemical-journal.jp/papers/view/404 or


cited 57 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI)          34.

Chen, C.T.A.*

On the distribution of anthropogenic CO2 in the Atlantic and Southern oceans

Deep-Sea Research, 29 (5), 563-580

Published on: May 1982



cited 105 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI)          35.

Chang, C.P., L.S. Liu and C.T. Chen

The mean oceanic residence time

Marine Chemistry, 11 (3), 293-295

Published on: June 1982



cited 2 time until 2024/05/02


(SCI)          36.

Chen, C.T.A.*

Specific heat capacities of aqueous sodium chloride solutions at high pressure

Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 27 (3), 356-358

Published on: 1 July 1982



cited 19 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI)          37.

Feely, R.A. and C.T.A. Chen

The effect of excess CO2 on the calculated calcite and aragonite saturation horizons in the Northeast Pacific

Geophysical Research Letters, 9 (11), 1294-1297

Published on: November 1982



cited 81 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A.*

Carbonate chemistry during WEPOLEX-81

U.S. Antarctic Journal, 102-103

Published in: 1982

(Link to the publication)


cited 16 times until 2024/05/02 



Chen, C.T.A.*

Distributions of dissolved calcium and alkalinity in the Weddell Sea in winter

U.S. Antarctic Journal, 136-137

Published in: 1983


cited 9 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 40.

Zhang, Z.B. (Zhang, Z.G), L.S. Liu and C.T.A. Chen

Relationship between £X (Z/1, x) rule of chemical processes in seawater and HSAB principle ¡V Principle of least £U and chemical model of seawater

Scientia Sinica (Series B) 26 (6), 561-576

Published on: 10 Jun 1983


cited 0 time until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 41.  


®ü¬v¤¤¤Æ¾Ç¹Lµ{ªº£X¡]Z/1¡Ax¡^³W«ß»P HSAB ªºÃö«Y--£U³Ì¤p­ì²z©M®ü¤ô¤Æ¾Ç¼Ò«¬

¤¤°ê¬ì¾Ç¡]B ¿è¡^¡A13 (1)¡A1-12

Published on: 10 Jan 1983



cited 1 time until 2024/05/02





®ü¬v¾Ç³ø¡A5 (1)¡A41-56

Published on: January 1983


cited 0 time until 2024/05/02


(SCI)          43.

Gordon, A.L., C.T.A. Chen and W.G. Metcalf

Winter mixed layer entrainment of Weddell Deep Water

Journal of Geophysical Research, 89 (C1), 637-640

Published on: 20 January 1984



cited 123 times until 2024/05/02





®ü¬v»P´òªh¡A15 (1)¡A68-81

Published in: 1984


cited 2 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A. and A. Poisson

Excess carbon dioxide in the Weddell Sea

U.S. Antarctic Journal, 74-75

Published in: 1984

(Link to the publication)

cited 17 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A. and M.R. Rodman

Inhomogeneous distribution of tracers in the abyssal southern ocean

U.S. Antarctic Journal, 68-69

Published in: 1984


cited 6 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A.*

Salinity, alkalinity, and calcium of the Weddell Sea ice

U.S. Antarctic Journal, 117-119

Published in: 1985


cited 2 time until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 48.

Chen, C.T.A.*

Preliminary observations of oxygen and carbon dioxide of the wintertime Bering Sea marginal ice zone

Continental Shelf Research, 4 (4), 465-483

Published in: 1985



cited 30 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A.*

Some personal observations on the status of marine sciences in the "People's Republic of China"

EOS Oceanography Report, 66 (6), 52

Published on: 5 February 1985

(Link to the publication)

cited 0 time until 2024/05/02                                                              


(SCI)          50.

Millero, F.J. and C.T.A. Chen

The speed of sound in mixtures of the major sea salts. A test of Young's rule for adiabatic PVT properties

Journal of Solution Chemistry, 14 (4), 301-310

Published on: April 1985



cited 11 times until 2024/05/02.



Zhang, Z.B., L.S. Liu, and C.T.A. Chen

Interaction of trace metals and suspended matter in seawater ¡X ion exchange pH range

In: "Theory of Interfacial Stepwise Ion/Coordination Particle Exchange and Its Applications", Z.B. Zhang, L.S. Liu, eds., China Ocean Press, 101-117

Published in: 1985

(Link to the publication)

cited 0 time until 2024/05/02



Zhang, Z.B., and C.T.A. Chen

Interaction of trace metals and suspended matter in seawater--an attempt to investigate the reaction mechanisms

In: "Theory of Interfacial Stepwise Ion/Coordination Particle Exchange and Its Applications", Z.B. Zhang, L.S. Liu, eds., China Ocean Press, 145-153

Published in: 1985

(Link to the publication)

cited 0 time until 2024/05/02



Zhang, Z.B., and C.T.A. Chen

The application of linear free energy relationships in marine chemistry

In: "Theory of Interfacial Stepwise Ion/Coordination Particle Exchange and Its Applications", Z.B. Zhang, L.S. Liu, eds., China Ocean Press, 184-192

Published in: 1985

(Link to the publication)

cited 0 time until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A.* and M.R. Rodman

Use of acid-balance values to trace water- mass in the Weddell Sea

U.S. Antarctic Journal, 115-117

Published in: 1985


cited 2 time until 2024/05/02


(SCI)          55.

Chen, C.T.A.* and E.T. Drake

Carbon dioxide increase in the atmosphere and oceans and possible effects on climate

Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Science, 14, 201-235

Published on: May 1986



cited 51 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI)          56.

Chen, C.T.A.* and F.J. Millero

Precise thermodynamic properties for natural waters covering only the limnological range

Limnology and Oceanography, 31 (3), 657-662

Published on: May 1986



cited 519 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A.*

Summer-winter comparison of Weddell Sea surface water and its productivity

U.S. Antarctic Journal, 128-129

Published in: 1986


cited 3 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A.*

Surface water chemistry in the wintertime southwest Indian Ocean

U.S. Antarctic Journal, 130-131

Published in: 1986


cited 0 time until 2024/05/02


(SCI)          59.

Poisson, A., and C.T.A. Chen

Why is there little anthropogenic CO2 in the Antarctic Bottom Water?

Deep-Sea Research, 34 (7), 1255-1275

Published on: July 1987



cited 139 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A. and J.J. Hung

Acid rain and lake acidification in Taiwan

Proceedings, National Science Council, 11 (6), 436-442

Published on: November 1987

(Link to the publication)

cited 8 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI)          61.

Chen, C.T.A.*

High-pressure specific heat capacities of pure water and seawater

Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 32 (4), 469-472

Published on: 1 October 1987


cited 9 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI)          62.

Chen, C.T.A.*

On the depth of anthropogenic CO2 penetration in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans

Oceanologica Acta, sp., 97-102

Published in: 1987


cited 15 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A.*

Summer-winter comparisons of oxygen content in the polar seas

U.S. Antarctic Journal, 115-117

Published in: 1987

(Link to the publication)

cited 1 time until 2024/05/02


(SCI)          64.

Byrne, R.H., G. Robert-Baldo, S.W. Thompson and C.T.A. Chen

Seawater pH measurements: an at-sea comparison of spectrophotometric and potentiometric methods

Deep-Sea Research, 35 (8), 1405-1410

Published on: August 1988



cited 92 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A., R.A. Feely and J.F. Gendron

Lysocline, calcium carbonate compensation depth and calcareous sediments in the North Pacific Ocean

Pacific Science, 42 (3-4), 237-252

Published in: 1988


cited 40 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A.*

Summer-winter comparisons of oxygen, nutrients and carbonates in the polar seas

La mer, 26 (1), 1-11

Published on: February 1988


cited 16 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI)          67.

Chen, C.T.A.*

Speciation and distribution of elements in seawater

Applied Geochemistry, 3 (1), 87

Published in: 1988



cited 0 time until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 68.

Feely, R.A., R.H. Byrne, J.G. Acker, P.R. Betzer, C.T.A. Chen, J.F. Gendron and M.F. Lamb

Winter-summer variations of calcite and aragonite saturation in the northeast Pacific

Marine Chemistry, 25 (3), 227-241

Published on: November 1988



cited 88 times until 2024/05/02



Wong, G.T.F., S.C. Pai and C.T.A. Chen

Chemical hydrography across the East China Sea ¡X Kuroshio frontal region, northeast of Taiwan

Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica, 23, 1-18

Published on: September 1989


cited 11 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A.*

Obtaining past trends in marine environmental conditions with contemporary data

In "Ocean Resources", Vol.1, eds., D.A. Ardus and M.A. Champ, Kluwer Academic Press, 293-308

Published in: 1990

(Link to the publication)

cited 0 time until 2024/05/02 


(SCI)           71.

Chen, C.T.A.* (Chen, C.T)

Rates of calcium carbonate dissolution and organic carbon decomposition in the North Pacific Ocean

Journal of the Oceanographical Society of Japan, 46 (5), 201-210

Published on: October 1990



cited 44 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A. and B.J. Wang

Winter overturning of the anoxic Great Ghost Lake

Proceedings, National Science Council, 14 (1), 11-15

Published in: 1990

(Link to the publication)

cited 14 times until 2024/05/02



Wang, B.J. and C.T.A. Chen

Geochemistry of the anoxic Great Ghost Lake

Proceedings, National Science Council, 14 (1), 16-20

Published on: January 1990

(Link to the publication)

Cited 12 times until 2024/05/02






Published on: December 1990

(Peng, T.R., C.H. Wang and C.T.A. Chen

Oxygen and carbon isotopic studies of fossil mollusca in the Kuokang shell bed, Paishatung, Miaoli)


cited 0 time until 2024/05/02


(SCI)          75.

Chen, C.T.A.*, E.P. Jones and K.J. Lin

Wintertime total carbon dioxide measurements in the Norwegian and Greenland Seas

Deep Sea Research, 37 (9), 1455-1473

Published on: September 1990



cited 42 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI)          76.

Krumgalz, B.S., J. Erez and C.T.A. Chen

Anthropogenic CO2 penetration in the northern Red Sea and in the Gulf of Elat (Aqaba)

Oceanologica Acta, 13 (3), 283-290

Published in: 1990


cited 34 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI)          77.

Pai, S.C., T.H. Fang, C.T.A. Chen, K.L. Jeng

A low contamination chelex-100 technique for shipboard pre-concentration of heavy metals in seawater

Marine Chemistry, 29, 295-306

Published in: 1990



cited 64 times until 2024/05/02


    (SCI) 78.

Chen, C.T.A. and M. R. Rodman

The inhomogeneous distribution of tritium and radiocarbon in the abyssal Southern Ocean

Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 1 (1), 91-109

Published on: March 1990

doi: 10.3319/TAO.1990.1.1.91(O)


cited 6 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A.

Descriptive chemical oceanography of the Weddell Sea

Proceedings, National Science Council (Part A), 15 (2), 133-142

Published in: 1991

(Link to the publication)

cited 1 time until 2024/05/02






Published on: September 1991

(Chen, C.T.A. and C.J. Wu

The anthropogenic CO2 signals in the Red Sea and northwest Indian Ocean

Oceanologia et Limnologia Sinica, 22, 434- 442, 1991)


cited 1 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI)          81.

Wong G.T.F., Pai S.C., Liu K.K., Liu C.T. and C.T.A. Chen

Variability of the chemical hydrography at the frontal region between the East China Sea and the Kuroshio north-east of Taiwan

Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 33 (2), 105-120

Published on: August 1991



cited 109 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 82.

Rushdi, A.I., R.M. Pytkowicz, E. Suess, and C.T. Chen

The effects of magnesium-to-calcium ratios in artificial seawater, at different ionic products, upon the induction time, and the mineralogy of calcium carbonate: a laboratory study

Geologische Rundschau, 81 (2), 571-578

Published on: June 1992


cited 46 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A., K.H. Chang, L.S. Fang, Y.C. Chen, T.C. Hung, H.S. Hou and J.B. Marsh

Trace metals, radionuclides and thermal diffusion in Taiwan's coastal waters

In: ¡§Environment and Resources in Asia's Marine Sector¡¨, ed. J.B. Marsh, Taylor and Francis, N.Y., 361-380

Published in: 1992

(Link to the publication)

cited 0 time until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 84.

McManus, J., R.W. Collier, C.T.A. Chen and J. Dymond

Physical properties of Crater Lake, Oregon: a method for the determination of a conductivity-and temperature-dependent expression for salinity

Limnology and Oceanography, 37 (1), 41-53

Published on: January 1992



cited 34 times until 2024/05/02





®ü¬v¾Ç³ø¡A14 (3)¡A55-64

Published on: May 1992

(Wu, C.J. and C.T.A. Chen

Carbonate chemistry of the Red Sea

Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 14 (3), 55-64, 1992)


cited 2 times until 2024/05/02


    (SCI) 86.

Chen, C.T.A.*

Comparisons of summer-winter carbonate and nutrient data in the southwest Indian Ocean

Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 3 (1), 59-80

Published in: 1992

doi: 10.3319/TAO.1992.3.1.59(O)


cited 6 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI)          87.

Chen, C.T.A.*

Carbonate chemistry of the wintertime Bering Sea marginal ice zone

Continental Shelf Research, 13 (1), 67-87

Published on: January 1993



cited 57 times until 2024/05/02





¥xÆW®ü®l (¤j³°¬ì§Þ´Á¥Z¤Þ¥ÎÀW²v²Ä227¦W)¡A12 (2)¡A110-117

Published in: 1993

(Chen, C.T.A., H.C. Chang and S.C. Pai

Determination of vanadium in seawater using Chelex-100 resin pre-concentration column

Journal of Oceanography in Taiwan Strait, 12 (2), 110-117, 1993)

(Link to the publication)

cited 0 time until 2024/05/02





®ü¬v¾Ç³ø¡A15 (6)¡A60-67

Published on: November 1993

(Chen, C.T.A. and S.L. Wang

International intercalibration of carbonate parameters

Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 15 (6), 60-67, 1993)


cited 0 time until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 90.

Chen, C.T.A.*

Anthropogenic CO2 distribution in the North Pacific Ocean

Journal of Oceanography, 49 (3), 257-270

Published on: May 1993



cited 36 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI)          91.

Chen, C.T.A.*

The oceanic anthropogenic CO2 sink

Chemosphere, 27 (6), 1041-1064

Published on: September 1993



cited 76 times until 2024/05/02





´òªy¬ì¾Ç¡A5 (1)¡A47-55

Published on: March 1993

(Chen, C. T. A., J.C. Chen and Q.S. Wong

Geochemistry of the Nanren lake in the Kending National Park

Journal of Lake Sciences, 5 (1), 47-55, 1993)



cited 2 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI)          93.

Chen, C.T.A., J.Y. Luo and J.K. Wann

Preliminary paleoclimatological records from high mountain lakes in Taiwan

Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 4 (3), 321-329

Published on: September 1993

doi: 10.3319/TAO.1993.4.3.321(O)


cited 17 times until 2024/05/02





¼ö±a®ü¬v¡A12 (4)¡A1-8

Published on: November 1993

(Chen, C.T.A. and C.J.Wu

Exchange of seawater between the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden

Tropic Oceanology, 12 (4), 1-8, 1993)

(Link to the publication)

cited 2 time until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 95.

Chen, C.T.A.*

Vertical distributions of pH and fluorescence in the western tropical Indian Ocean-the INDIGO 2 expedition

Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 5 (1), 77-89

Published on: March 1994

doi: 10.3319/TAO.1994.5.1.77(O)


cited 3 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A.*

Use of pH to trace water masses in the Weddell Sea

La mer, 32 (1), 19-30

Published on: February 1994


cited 3 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A.*

Some indications of excess CO2 penetration near Cape Adare off the Ross Sea

La mer, 32 (3), 167-172

Published on: August 1994


cited 11 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 98.

Chen, C.T.A., C.T. Liu and S.C. Pai

Transport of oxygen, nutrients and carbonates by the Kuroshio current

Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 12, 3, 220-227

Published on: September 1994


cited 27 times until 2024/05/02


    (SCI) 99.

Chen, C.T.A., B.J. Wang, H.C. Hsu and J.J. Hung

Rain and lake waters in Taiwan¡GComposition and Acidity

Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 5 (4), 573-584

Published on: December 1994

doi: 10.3319/TAO.1994.5.4.573(O)


cited 10 times until 2024/05/02





®ü¬v»P´òªh¡A25 (1)¡A29-37

Published on: January 1994

(Huang, B. T., and C. T. A. Chen

Stoichiometry of particulate organic carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur in lakes and reservoirs in Taiwan

Oceanologia et Limnologia Sinica, 25 (1), 29-37, 1994)(In Chinese with English abstract)


cited 6 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 101.

Chen, C.T.A. and M.H. Huang

Carbonate chemistry and the anthropogenic CO2 in the South China Sea

Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 14 (1), 47-57

Published in: 1995


cited 28 times until 2024/05/02





´òªy¬ì¾Ç¡A7 (1)¡A57-64

Published in: 1995

(Chen, C. T. A., J. K. Wann and B. J. Wang

Formation of dissolved oxygen maximum in lakes

Journal of Lakes Sciences, 7 (1), 57-64, 1995)


cited 9 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 103.

Rushdi, A.I. and C.T.A. Chen

Variation of the apparent dissociation constants of carbonic acid with the magnesium and calcium concentrations in seawater

Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 6 (2), 347-361

Published on: June 1995

doi: 10.3319/TAO.1995.6.2.347(O)


cited 5 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 104.

Chen, C.T.A.*, S.L. Wang and A. Bychkov

Carbonate chemistry of the Sea of Japan

Journal of Geophysical Research, 100 (C7), 13737-13745

Published on: 15 July 1995



cited 111 times until 2024/05/02






Published in: 1995

(Chen, C.T.A. and M.H. Huang

Carbonate chemistry in northeast South China Sea

Journal of Oceanography in Taiwan Strait, 14, 124-134, 1995)

(Link to the publication)

cited 1 time until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 106.

Chen, C.T.A.*, R. Ruo, S.C. Pai, C.T. Liu and G.T.F. Wong

Exchange of water masses between the East China Sea and the Kuroshio off northeastern Taiwan

Continental Shelf Research, 15 (1), 19-39

Published on: January 1995



cited 236 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 107.

Wann, J.K., C.T.A. Chen, Z.M. Lin and S.J. Jiang

Sources and sinks of lead and other trace metals enriched in the surface sediments of remote subalpine lakes in Taiwan

Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 6 (3), 379-392

Published on: September 1995

doi: 10.3319/TAO.1995.6.3.379(REC)


cited 7 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 108.

Chen, C.T.A.* (Cheng, Z.D)

Fluxes of seawater and some dissolved chemicals in the Bashi Strait

Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 13(3), 240-246

Published on: September 1995



cited 7 times until 2024/05/02






Published in: 1995

(Wang, B. J. and C. T. A. Chen

Acidification of lakes and reservoirs in Taiwan

Transactions of Oceanology and Limnology 2, 12-23, 1995)

(Link to the publication)

cited 0 time until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A., C.T. Liu and S.C. Pai

Variations in oxygen, nutrient and carbonate fluxes of the Kuroshio current

La mer, 33(3), 161-176

Published 0n: August 1995


cited 35 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A.*

The role of the Pacific Ocean as a regulator of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations

In: "Direct ocean disposal of carbon dioxide", eds., N. Handa and T. Ohsumi, Terrapub, Tokyo, 23-34, Published in: 1995

(Link to the publication)

cited 1 time until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 112.

Chen, C.T.A.*, and M.H. Huang

A mid-depth front separating the South China Sea water and the Philippine Sea water

Journal of Oceanography, 52, 17-25

Published on: February 1996



cited 169 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 113.

Chen, C.T.A.*, C.M. Lin, B.T. Huang and L.F. Chang

Stoichiometry of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen in the particulate matter of the western North Pacific marginal seas

Marine Chemistry, 54 (1-2), 179-190

Published on: September 1996



cited 108 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 114.

Chen, C.T.A.*, G.C. Gong, S.L. Wang and A.S. Bychkov

Redfield ratios and regeneration rates of particulate matter in the Sea of Japan as a model of closed system

Geophysical Research Letters, 23 (14), 1785-1788

Published on: 1 July 1996


cited 71 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 115.

Sheu, D.D., W.Y. Lee, C.H. Wang, C.L. Wei, C.T.A. Chen, C. Cherng and M.H. Huang

Depth distribution of delta C-13 of dissolved Sigma CO2 in seawater off eastern Taiwan: Effects of the Kuroshio current and its associated upwelling phenomenon

Continental Shelf Research, 16 (12), 1609-1619

Published on: October 1996



cited 28 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 116.

Wann, J.K. and C.T.A. Chen

Distribution of trace metals in the surface sediments of two pristine subalpine lakes in Taiwan

Chemistry and Ecology, 12 (1-2), 67-89

Published in: 1996



cited 8 times until 2024/05/02



Wang, S.L. and C.T.A. Chen

Comparison of seawater carbonate parameters in the East China Sea and the Sea of Japan

La mer, 34(3), 131-136

Published on: August 1996


cited 6 times until 2024/05/02



Lou, J.Y. and C.T.A. Chen

A paleoenvironmental record during 7-21 Ka BP in the sediments off northeastern Taiwan

La mer, 34(3), 237-245

Published on: August 1996


cited 8 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 119.

Chen C.T.A.*

The Kuroshio intermediate water is the major source of nutrients on the East China Sea continental shelf

Oceanologica Acta, 19(5), 523-527

Published in: 1996

this paper acknowledged NSC 85-2611-M-110-006 K2


cited 279 times until 2024/05/02



ù«Ø¨|( Luo, J.Y)¡B³¯ÂíªF¡B¸U¬F±d


¤¤°ê¬ì¾Ç(D)¡A26 (5)¡A474-480

Published on: October 1996


cited once in Chinese until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 120a.

Lou, J.Y.( Luo, J.Y), C.T.A. Chen, and J.K. Wann

Paleoclimatological records of the Great Ghost Lake in Taiwan

Science in China (D), 40(3), 284-292

Published on: June 1997



cited 44 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 121.

Chen, C.T.A. and S.L. Wang

Effect of anthropogenic CO2 on the pH and the saturation states of calcite and aragonite of seawater

Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 15(2), 145-149

Published on: June 1997


cited 3 times until 2024/05/02


    (SCI) 122.

Li, Y.H., C.T.A. Chen and J.J. Hung

Aquatic chemistry of lakes and reservoirs in Taiwan

Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 8 (4), 405-426

Published on: December 1997

doi: 10.3319/TAO.1997.8.4.405(O)


cited 15 times until 2024/05/02






Published on: Jun 1997

(Chen, C.T., C.K. Chen and B.J. Wang

Influences of land effuent from Jinmen Island on coastal waters

Journal of Oceanography in Taiwan Strait 16, 153-163, 1997 in Chinese with English abstract)

(Link to the publication)

cited 0 time until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 124.

Wann, J.K., C.T.A. Chen and B.J. Wang

A seasonally anoxic mountain lake with an active Fe cycle in tropical Taiwan

Aquatic Geochemistry, 3 (1), 21-42

Published on: March 1997



cited 11 times until 2024/05/02



ù«Ø¨|(Luo, J.Y)¡B³¯ÂíªF


¤¤°ê¬ì¾Ç(D)¡A27 (4)¡A366-372 (in Chinese)

Published on: August 1997


cited 42 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 125a.

Lou, J.Y. (Luo, J) and C.T.A. Chen

Paleoclimatological and paleoenvironmental records since 4000 a B.P. in sediments of alpine lakes in Taiwan

Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences, 40 (4), 424-431

Published on: August 1997


cited 55 times until 2024/05/02





¤Æ¤uÄq²£¦a½è¡A19 (2)¡A73-80

Published on: Jun 1997

(Lou, J.Y., Z.D. Chen and Y.C. Chen

The palaeoclimatic records between the inner Mongolia salt lake¡¦ and Taiwan lakes¡¦ sediments

Geology of Chemical Minerals 19 (2), 73-80, 1997 in Chinese with English abstract)

(Link to the publication)

cited 14 times until 2024/05/02






Published in: 1997

(Chen, C.T.A., J.Y. Lou, J.M. Lin and C.C. Chen

Sedimentation rates of lakes and reservoirs in Taiwan

Oceanologia et Limnologia Sinica 28, 624-631, 1997, in Chinese with English abstract)

(Link to the publication)


cited 2 times until 2024/05/02



Wu J.T., P.P. Chuang, L.Z. Wu and C.T.A. Chen

Diatoms as indicators of environmental changes: a case study in Great Ghost Lake

Proceedings of the National Science Council, Part B 21 (3), 112-119

Published in: 1997


cited 13 times until 2024/05/02






Published in: 1997


cited 0 time until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 130.

Chen C.T.A. and B.J. Wang

Acidification of lakes and reservoirs in Taiwan

Geochemical Journal 31 (6), 345-355

Published in: 1997

https://geochemical-journal.jp/papers/view/961 or


cited 9 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A. and S. L. Wang

Carbon and nutrient budgets on the East China Sea continental shelf

In: ¡§Biogeochemical Processes in the North Pacific¡¨, ed., S. Tsunogai, Japan Marine Science Foundation, 169-186pp

Published in: 1997

(Link to the publication)

cited 10 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A. (Chen, C.A) and S. Tsunogai

Carbon and nutrients in the ocean

In: Asian Change in the Contex of Global Change, eds., J.N. Galloway and J.M. Melillio, Cambridge Univ., Press, 271-307

Published in: 1998

(Link to the publication)

cited 23 times until 2024/05/02






Published in: 1998

(Wang, S. L., C.T.A. Chen and C.M. Chang

Methane emissions from lakes in Taiwan

Oceanologia et Limnologia Sinica 29, 527-534, 1998 in Chinese with English abstract)

(Link to the publication)

cited 2 times until 2024/05/02



Rushdi, A.I., C.T.A. Chen and E. Suess

The solubility of calcite in seawater solution of different magnesium concentrations at 25¢XC and 1 atm total pressure: A laboratory re-examination

La mer, 36(1), 9-22

Published on: February 1998


cited 13 times until 2024/05/02





´òªy¬ì¾Ç¡A10 (3)¡A13-18

Published on: September 1998

(Lou, J.Y. (Luo, J.Y), and C.T.A. Chen

Paleoenvironmental records from the elemental distributions in the sediments of Great Ghost Lake in Taiwan, China

China, Journal of Lake Sciences 10 (3), 13-18, 1998 in Chinese with English abstract)


cited 8 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 136.

Chen, C.T.A.*

Response to Liu¡¦s comments on ¡§The Kuroshio Intermediate Water is the major source of nutrients on the East China Sea continental shelf¡¨ by Chen (1996)

Oceanologica Acta, 21 (5), 713-716

Published on: September¡VOctober 1998



cited 18 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 137.

Wang, S.L.* and C.T.A. Chen

Bottom water at the center of the north East China Sea in summer: Remnant winter water

Continental Shelf Research, 18 (13), 1573-1580

Published on: November 1998



cited 22 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 138.

Chen, C.T.A.* and S.L. Wang

Influence of intermediate water in the western Okinawa Trough by the outflow from the South China Sea

Journal of Geophysical Research, 103 (C6), 12683-12688

Published on: 15 June 1998


cited 110 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A. and J. K. Wann

Flux of metals in Great Ghost Lake in Taiwan in the past 2600 years

Journal of Lake Sciences, 10, Suppl., 315-329

Published on: 27 March 1998


cited 17 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 140.

Chen, C.T.A.* (Chen, C.A.T), R. Ruo, S.C. Pai, C.T. Liu and G.T.F. Wong

Author¡¦s reply to comments on ¡§Artifacts introduced into the calculation of the mixing ratios of seawater end-members using T-S properties¡¨

Continental Shelf Research, 19 (2), 295-298


Published on: February 1999


cited 2 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 141.

Chen C.T.A.* (Chen, C.T) and S.L. Wang

Carbon, alkalinity and nutrient budgets on the East China Sea continental shelf

Journal of Geophysical Research, 104 (C9), 20675-20686

Published on: 15 September 1999


this paper acknowledged NSC 86-2611-M110-007 W and 85-2611-P-008-005


cited 406 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 142.

Chen, C.T. A.*, A.S. Bychkov, S.L. Wang and G.Yu Pavlova

An anoxic Sea of Japan by the year 2200?

Marine Chemistry, 67 (3-4), 249-265

Published on: November 1999



cited 96 times until 2024/05/02





¤¤°ê¬ì¾Ç(D)¡A30 (6)¡A663-668 (In Chinese)

Published in: 2000


cited 0 time until 2024/05/02

(SCI) 143a.

Chen, C.T.*, C.H. Wang, K.Y. Soong and B.J. Wang

Water temperature records from corals near the nuclear power plant in southern Taiwan

Science in China (D), 44 (4), 356-362

Published on: April 2001


this paper acknowledged NSC 88-2611-M-110-005-GP


cited 12 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 144.

Wang, S.L.*, C.T.A. Chen, G.H. Hong and C.S. Chung

Carbon dioxide and related parameters in the East China Sea

Continental Shelf Research, 20 (4-5), 525-544

Published on: March 2000



cited 193 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 145.

Chen, C.T.A.*

The Three Gorges Dam: reducing the upwelling and thus productivity in the East China Sea

Geophysical Research Letters, 27 (3), 381-383

Published on: 1 February 2000


Highlighted on EOS 81, 4, p.35, 2000

this paper acknowledged NSC 86-2611-M110-007 W and 89-2611-M-100-001


Cited 134 times until 2024/05/02



Liu, K.K., L. Atkinsion, C.T.A. Chen, S. Gao, J. Hall, R.W. MacDonald, L. Talaue McManus and R. Quinones

Exploring continental margin carbon fluxes on a global scale

EOS, 81(52), 641-642 plus 644

Published on: 26 December 2000



cited 117 times until 2024/05/02





¡§¤ô¥Í©Rの¥ÍºA¾Ç¡AThe Ecology of the Water and the Life¡¨¡Aed.

¤é°ª±Ó¶©(T. Hidaka)¡AÁ¿½ÍªÀ(Kodansha Ltd), 66-81 (in Japanese)

Published in: 2000

(Link to the publication)

cited 0 time until 2024/05/02



Nihoul, J.C.J. and C.T.A. Chen


In:¡§Our Fragile World (OFW): Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Development¡¨, ed. by M.K. Tolba, EOLSS Publishers, Oxford, UK, ISBN: 0-9534944-5-4, Vol. II, pp 1145-1163

Published in: 2001

(Link to the publication)

cited 0 time until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 149.

Chen, C.T.A.*

Comment on "Anthropogenic CO2 inventory of the Indian Ocean" by C.L. Sabine et al.

Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 15 (1), 27-30

Published on: March 2001

this paper acknowledged NSC 89-2611-M110-001


cited 4 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 150.

Chen, C.T.A.*, S.L. Wang, B.J. Wang and S.C. Pai

Nutrient budgets for the South China Sea basin

Marine Chemistry, 75 (4), 281-300

Published on: September 2001


this paper acknowledged NSC 89-2611-M110-001


cited 230 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A.*

Unveiling secrets locked in Great Ghost Lake in Taiwan

In: ¡§Paradox in Geology¡¨, eds., W.J. Xiao and H. Briegel, Elsevier, ISBN: 0-444-50560-1, pp387-409

Published in: 2001

this paper acknowledged NSC, EPA and Kenting National Park


cited 1 time until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 152.

Chen, C.T.A.*, J.K. Wann and J.Y. Luo

Aeolian flux of metals in Taiwan in the past 2600 years

Chemosphere, 43 (3), 287-294

Published on: April 2001


this paper acknowledged the NSC of ROC for supporting this research


cited 22 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 153.

Fasham, M.J.R., B.M. Baliño and C. Bowles (Editors)  Contributors: R. Anderson, D. Archer, U. Bathmann, P. Boyd, K. Buesseler, P. Burkill, A. Bychkov, C. Carlson, C.T.A. Chen, S. Doney, H. Ducklow, S. Emerson, R. Feely, G. Feldman, V. Garcon, D. Hansell, R. Hanson, P. Harrison, S. Honjo, C. Jeandel, D. Karl, R. Le Borgne, K.K. Liu, K. Lochte, F. Louanchi, R. Lowry, A. Michaels, P. Monfray, J. Murray, A. Oschlies, T. Platt, J. Priddle, R. Quiñones, D. Ruiz-Pino, T. Saino, E. Sakshaug, G. Shimmield, S. Smith, W. Smith, T. Takahashi, P. Tréguer, D. Wallace, R. Wanninkhof, A. Watson, J. Willebrand, and C.S. Wong

A new vision of ocean biogeochemistry after a decade of the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS)

Ambio Special Report 10, May 2001, 4-31

Published on: May 2001

(Link to the publication)

cited 121 times until 2024/05/02






Published on: January 2001

(Chen, C.T.A., JY Lou, JK Wann and HC Lan

Eolian dust flux recorded in the sediments of Great Ghost Lake, Taiwan, China

Quaternary Sciences 21, 18-28, 2001, in Chinese with English abstract)


cited 11 times until 2024/05/02






Published on: December 2001

(T.R. Peng, T.S. Liu, C.T.A. Chen

Hydrochemical evolution of groundwaters in the Lan-Yan Plain, Taiwan

Taiwanese Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Food Science 39, 423-436, 2001, in Chinese with English abstract)


cited 0 time until 2024/05/02






Published on: June 2001

(C.T.A. Chen, B.J. Wang, J.J. Wang, Y.Y. Tu and W.C. Chang

Changes in seawater temperature over the past twenty-two years and the radioisotopes in a coral in Nanwan Bay near the Third Nuclear Power Plant

Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica 39, 39-52, 2001, in Chinese with English abstract)



cited 2 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 157.

Saino, T.*, A. Bychkov, C.T.A. Chen and P.J. Harrison

The joint global ocean flux study in the north pacific

Deep-Sea Research II, 49 (24-25), 5297-5301

Published in: 2002



cited 20 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 158.

Chen, C.T.A.*

Shelf-vs. dissolution-generated alkalinity above the chemical lysocline

Deep-Sea Research II, 49 (24-25), 5365-5375

Published in: 2002


this paper acknowledged NSC 90-2611-M-110-004


cited 105 times until 2024/05/02



Hong, G.H., H.H. Kremer, J. Pacyna, C.T.A. Chen, H. Behrendt, W. Salomons and J.I. Marshall Crossland

East Asia Basins: LOICZ global change assessment and synthesis of river catchment-coastal sea interaction and human dimensions

LOICZ Reports and Studies, No. 26, 1-262

Published in: 2002


cited 11 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A. and J.T. Liu

Island based catchments: the Taiwan example

In: ¡§East Asia Basins: East Asia Basins: LOICZ global change assessment and synthesis of river catchment-coastal sea interaction and human dimensions¡¨, edited by Hong, G.H., H.H. Kremer, J. Pacyna, C.T.A. Chen, H. Behrendt, W. Salomons and J.I. Marshall Crossland

LOICZ Reports and Studies, No. 26, 170-176

Published in: 2002


ited 0 time until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A.*

Dams may impact fisheries even beyond the estuaries

In: ¡§East Asia Basins: East Asia Basins: LOICZ global change assessment and synthesis of river catchment-coastal sea interaction and human dimensions¡¨, edited by Hong, G.H., H.H. Kremer, J. Pacyna, C.T.A. Chen, H. Behrendt, W. Salomons and J.I. Marshall Crossland

LOICZ Reports and Studies, No. 26, 177-178

Published in: 2002


cited 0 time until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A., H.C. Lan and Y.C. Chen

Paleoclimatic records of Inner Mongolia, the Okinawa Trough and the South China Sea since the last Glacial Maximum

In: ¡§Marine Environment: The Past, Present and Future¡¨, ed., C.T.A. Chen, Fuwen Press, Kaohsiung, ISBN: 957-555-601-1, pp. 101-113

Published in: 2002


cited 0 time until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A.*, S.L. Wang and B.J. Wang

Nutrient budgets for the South China Sea basin

In: ¡§Marine Environment: The Past, Present and Future¡¨, ed., C.T.A. Chen, Fuwen Press, Kaohsiung, ISBN: 957-555-601-1, pp. 303-344

Published in: 2002

this paper acknowledged NSC 89-2611-M110-001


cited 0 time until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A. and S.J. Jiang

A 20-year record of Sr-90 and heavy metals off the third Nuclear Power Plant in southern Taiwan

In: ¡§Marine Environment: The Past, Present and Future¡¨, ed., C.T.A. Chen, Fuwen Press, Kaohsiung, ISBN: 957-555-601-1, pp. 422-432

Published in: 2002

this paper acknowledged financial support provided by the Taiwan Power Company, the China Steel Corp. and the Environmental Protection Administration of R.O.C.


cited 0 time until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 165.

Hong, G. H.* and C. T. A. Chen

Aragonitic pteropod flux to the interior of the East Sea (Sea of Japan)

Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 13 (2), 205-210

Published on: June 2002

doi: 10.3319/TAO.2002.13.2.205(O)


cited 11 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A.*

The impact of dams on fisheries: Case of the Three Gorges Dam

In: ¡§Challenges of a Changing Earth¡¨, eds., W. Steffen, J. Jager, D.J. Carson and C. Bradshaw, Chapter 16, Springer, Berlin, 97-99

Published in: 2002


cited 29 times until 2024/05/02



Nihoul, J.C.J. and C.T.A. Chen


In: ¡§Knowledge for Sustainable Development: An Insight into the Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems¡¨, UNESCO Publishing-Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK, ISBN: 0-9542989-1-8, Vol. 1, 159-180

Published in: 2002


ited 0 time until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 167-1.

Yuan, C.S.*, C.G. Lee, S.H. Liu, C. Yuan, H.Y. Yang, C.T.A. Chen

Developing strategies for improving urban visual air quality

Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 2 (1), 9-22

Published on: June 2002



cited 27 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 168.

Chen, C.T.A.*

Rare northward flow in the Taiwan Strait in winter: a note

Continental Shelf Research, 23 (3-4), 387-391

Published on: February¡VMarch 2003


this paper acknowledged NSC 90-2611-M-110-004


cited 77 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 169.

Chen C.T.A.*

New vs. export production on the continental shelf

Deep-Sea Research II, 50 (6-7), 1327-1333

Published on: March¡VApril 2003


this paper acknowledged 89-2611-M-110-001


cited 54 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 170.

Chen, C.T.A.*, H.C. Lan, J.Y. Lou and Y.C. Chen

The dry holocene megathermal in Inner Mongolia

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 193 (2), 181-200

Published on: 15 April 2003


this paper acknowledged NSC 90-2611-M-110-006


cited 224 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 171.

Chen, C.T.A.*, C.T. Liu, W.S. Chuang, Y.J. Yang, F.K. Shiah, T.Y. Tang and S.W. Chung

Enhanced buoyancy and hence upwelling of subsurface Kuroshio waters after a typhoon in the southern East China Sea

Journal of Marine Systems, 42 (1-2), 65-79

Published on: July 2003


this paper acknowledged NSC 91-2611-M-110-013


cited 114 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A.* (Chen C.A., Chen A.C.T), K.K. Liu and R. MacDonald

Continental margin exchanges

In: ¡§Ocean Biogeochemistry: a JGOFS Synthesis¡¨, ed. M.J.R. Fasham, Chapter 3, Springer, 53-97

Published in: 2003


this paper acknowledged NSC 89-2611-M-110-001


cited 173 times until 2024/05/02

Cited by the IPCC AR4 Chapter 7.


(SCI) 173.

Saino, T.*, A. Bychkov, C.T.A. Chen and P.J. Harrison

North pacific synthesis of the joint global ocean flux study: Overview

Journal of Oceanography, 60 (1), 1-4

Published on: February 2004



cited 6 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 174.

Chen, C.T.A.*, A. Andreev, K.R. Kim and M. Yamamoto

Roles of continental shelves and marginal seas in the biogeochemical cycles of the North Pacific Ocean

Journal of Oceanography, 60 (1), 17-44

Published on: February 2004

this paper acknowledged NSC 92-2611-Z-110-005 and 92-2611-M-110-014


cited 100 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 175.

Chen, C.T.A.*, J.T. Liu and B.J. Tsuang

Island-based catchment¡XThe Taiwan example

Regional Environmental Change, 4 (1), 39-48

Published on: March 2004


this paper acknowledged NSC 91-2611-M-110-010 and 92-2621-Z-110-005


cited 51 times until 2024/05/02



Sabine, C.L., M. Heiman, P. Artaxo, D. Bakker, C.T.A. Chen, C.B. Field, N. Gruber, C. LeQuéré, R.G. Prinn, J.E. Richey, P.R. Lankao, J. Sathaye and R. Valentini

Current status and past trends of the carbon cycle

In: ¡§The Global Carbon Cycle: Integrating Humans, Climate, and the Natural World¡¨, eds. C.B. Field and M.R. Raupauch, SCOPE 62, Island Press, ISBN: 1-55963-527-4, pp. 17-44

Published in: 2004


cited 358 times until 2024/05/02



Gruber, N., P. Friedlingstein, C.B. Field, R. Valentini, M. Heimann, J.E. Richey, P.R. Lankao, D. Schulze and C.T.A. Chen

The vulnerability of the carbon cycle in the 21st century: An assessment of carbon-climate-human interactions

In: ¡§The Global Carbon Cycle: Integrating Humans, Climate, and the Natural World¡¨, eds. C.B. Field and M.R. Raupauch, SCOPE 62, Island Press, ISBN: 1-55963-527-4, pp. 45-76

Published in: 2004

(Link to the publication)


cited 221 times until 2024/05/02



Caldeira, K., G. Morgan, D. Baldocchi, P. Brewer, C.T.A. Chen, G.J. Nabuurs, N. Nakicenovic and P. Robertson

A portfolio of carbon management options

In: ¡§The Global Carbon Cycle: Integrating Humans, Climate, and the Natural World¡¨, eds. C.B. Field and M.R. Raupauch, SCOPE 62, Island Press, ISBN: 1-55963-527-4, pp. 103-129

Published in: 2004


cited 92 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A.*

Exchanges of carbon in the coastal seas

In: ¡§The Global Carbon Cycle: Integrating Humans, Climate, and the Natural World¡¨, eds. C.B. Field and M.R. Raupauch, SCOPE 62, Island Press, ISBN: 1-55963-527-4, pp. 341-351

Published in: 2004

this paper acknowledged NSC 92-2611-M-110-003


cited 66 times until 2021/02/04


(SCI) 180.

Chen, C.T.A.* and J.K. Wann

Factors regulating the distribution of elements in the sediments of a seasonally anoxic lake in tropical Taiwan

Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 15 (5), 785-811

Published on: December 2004

doi: 10.3319/TAO.2004.15.5.785(ADSE)

this paper acknowledged NSC 92-2611-M-110-014 and 92-2611-Z-110-005


cited 1 time until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 181.

Chen, C.T.A.*, L.Y. Hsing, C.L. Liu and S.L. Wang

Degree of nutrient consumption of upwelled water in the Taiwan Strait based on dissolved organic phosphorus or nitrogen

Marine Chemistry, 87 (3-4), 73-86

Published on: July 2004


this paper acknowledged NSC 92-2611-M-110-014


cited 41 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 182.

Chen C.T.A.*, J.T. Wu, B.J. Wang and K.M. Huang

Acidification and trace metals of lakes in Taiwan

Aquatic Geochemistry, 10 (1), 33-57

Published on: March 2004


this paper acknowledged NSC 92¡V2621-Z-110¡V005


cited 18 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 183.

Chen, C.T.A.*, B.J. Wang and L.Y. Hsing

Upwelling and degree of nutrient consumption in Nanwan Bay, Southern Taiwan

Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 12 (5), 442-447

Published in: 2004

this paper acknowledged NSC 93-2611-M-110-009 and 93-2621-Z-110-004


cited 28 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 184.

Jan, S.*, C.T.A. Chen, Y.Y. Tu and H.S. Tsai

Physical properties of thermal plumes from a nuclear power plant in the southernmost Taiwan

Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 12 (5), 433-441

Published in: 2004

this paper acknowledged Taiwan Power Company and University of Maryland Center for Environment Science, UMCES


cited 19 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 185.

Chou, Y.L., C.T.A. Chen and L.L. Liu*

Effects of nuclear power plant thermal effluent on marine sessile invertebrate communities in southern Taiwan

Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 12 (5), 448-452

Published in: 2004

this paper acknowledged financial support from the Taiwan Power Company and the joint project of National Cheng-Kung University and National Sun Yat-sen University sponsored by the Ministry of Education of Taiwan


cited 15 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 186


Cheng, L.Z* and C.T.A Chen

Features of the fishing ground near the Third Nuclear Power Plant in Taiwan

Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 12 (5), 453-456

Published in: 2004

this paper acknowledged financial support by the Taiwan Power Company, R.O.C


cited 3 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 187.

Chen, C.T.A.*

Tracing tropical and intermediate waters from the South China Sea to the Okinawa Trough and beyond

Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, C05012


Published on: 18 May 2005

this paper acknowledged NSC 92-2611-Z-110-005 and 92-2611-M-110-014


cited 91 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 188.

Chen, C.T.A.*, B.J. Wang, J.F. Huang, J.Y. Lou, F.W. Kuo, Y.Y. Tu and H.S. Tsai

Investigation into extremely acidic hydrothermal fluids off Kueishan Tao, Taiwan, China 

Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 24 (1), 125-133

Published in: 2005

this paper acknowledged NSC 91-2611-M-110-010


cited 72 times until 2024/05/02


    (SCI) 189.

Chen, C.T.A.* and L.Y. Hsing

Degree of nutrient consumption as an aging index of upwelling or vertically mixed water in the Northern Taiwan Strait

Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 24 (1), 115-124

Published in: 2005

this paper acknowledged NSC-92-2611-M-110-014


cited 10 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A., J. Zhang*, T.R. Peng, and T. Hagiwara

Exploratory sampling of submarine groundwater discharge in Taiwan

Geochemistry, 39, 165-171

Published in: 2005

this paper acknowledged NSC 93-2621-Z-110-004 and 93-2621-Z-005-002


cited 13 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 191.

Chen, C.T.A.* (Chentung, A.C), Z.G. Zeng, F.W. Kuo, T.Y. F. Yang, B.J. Wang, and Y.Y. Tu 

Tide-influenced acidic hydrothermal system offshore NE Taiwan

Chemical Geology, 224 (1-3), 69-81

Published on: 15 December 2005


this paper acknowledged NSC 89-2611-M-110-001


cited 146 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 192.

Chou, W.C.*, D.D.D. Sheu, C.T.A. Chen, S.L. Wang and C.M. Tseng

Seasonal variability of carbon chemistry at the SEATS Time-Series Site, northern South China Sea between 2002 and 2003

Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 16 (2), 445-465

Published on: June 2005

doi: 10.3319/TAO.2005.16.2.445(O)


cited 56 times until 2024/05/02



Salomons, Wim, H.H. Kremer, R.K. Turner, E.N. Andreeva, R.S. Arthurton, H. Behrendt, P. Burbridge, C.T.A. Chen, C.J. Crossland, J. Gandrass, V.V. Gordeev, N. Harvey, G.H. Hong, B. Kjerfve, L.D. de Lacerda, J.I. Marshall Crossland, N. Morcom, E. Odada, J. Pacyna, N.N. Rabalais, D. Swaney, W.J. Wiebe

The catchment to coast continuum

In: ¡§Coastal Fluxes in the Anthropocene¡¨, C.J. Crossland, H.H. Kremer, H.J. Lindeboom, J.I. Marshall Crossland, M.D.A. Le Tissier (Eds), Springer, Berlin, ISBN: 3-540-25450-1, 145-200 (231pp), doi:10.1007/3-540-27851-6

Published in: 2005


cited 34 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 194.

Yang, T.F.*, T.F. Lan, H.F. Lee, C.C. Fu, P.C. Chuang, C.H. Lo, C.H. Chen, C.T.A. Chen, C.S. Lee

Gas compositions and helium isotopic ratios of fluid samples around Kueishantao, NE offshore Taiwan and its tectonic implications

Geochemical Journal, 39 (5), 469-480

Published in: 2005

https://geochemical-journal.jp/papers/view/1309 or


cited 93 times until 2024/05/02





¥xÆW®ü®l¡A25 (3), 309-317

Published in: 2006

(Liu, C.H., Z.G. Zeng, X.B. Yin and Zhen-Dong (Chen-Tung) Chen

Basic characters of native sulfur chimneys near the sea off Kueishantao from the Northern Taiwan

Journal of Oceanography in Taiwan Strait, 25 (3), 309-317, 2006, in Chinese with English abstract)

(Link to the publication)

cited 7 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 196.

Selvaraj, K. and C.T.A. Chen

Moderate chemical weathering of subtropical Taiwan: Constraints from solid-phase geochemistry of sediments and sedimentary rocks

The Journal of Geology, 114 (1), 101-116

Published on: January 2006


this paper acknowledged NSC 93-2611-M-110-009, 93-2821-M-110-006 and 93-2621-Z-110-004


cited 275 times until 2024/05/02


    (SCI) 197.

Chen, C.T.A.* (Chentung, A)* and D.D. Sheu

Does the Taiwan Warm Current originate in the Taiwan Strait in wintertime?

Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, C04005

Published on: 13 April 2006


this paper acknowledged NSC 94-2611-M-110-001, NSC 94-2621-Z-110-001 and Aim for the Top University Plan 95C 030211


cited 81 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 198.

Chen, C.T.A.*, W.P. Hou, T. Gamo, and S.L. Wang

Carbonate related parameters of subsurface waters in the West Philippine, South China and Sulu Seas

Marine Chemistry, 99 (1-4), 151-161

Published on: 6 March 2006


this paper acknowledged NSC 93-2621-Z-110-004


cited 70 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 199.

Chen, C.T.A.*, S.L. Wang, W.C. Chou and D.D. Sheu

Carbonate chemistry and projected future changes in pH and CaCO3 saturation state of the South China Sea

Marine Chemistry, 101 (3-4), 277-305

Published on: 5 October 2006


this paper acknowledged NSC 94-2611-Z-110-001, 95-2611-M-110-001, EPA 85-1003-09-13 and Aim for the Top University Plan 95C 100302


cited 107 times until 22024/05/02


(SCI) 200.

Chen, C.T.A.* (Chen, TA) and S.L. Wang

A salinity front in the southern East China Sea separating the Chinese coastal and Taiwan Strait waters from Kuroshio waters

Continental Shelf Research, 26 (14), 1636-1653

Published on: September 2006


this paper acknowledged NSC 94-2611-M-110-001, 94-2621-Z-110-001 and Aim for the Top University Plan 95C 030211


cited 54 times until 2024/05/02



Fu, C., F.W.T. Penning de Vries, Ailikun, C.T.A. Chen, L. Lebel, M. Manton, A. Snidvongs, H. Virji (eds)

The Initial Science Plan of the Monsoon Asia Integrated Regional Study

MAIRS-IPO, IAP-CAS, P.O. Box 9804, 100029 Beijing, China (80 pp, 2006)

Published in: 2006


cited 23 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 202.

Chen, C.T.A.* (Arthur C.C.T) and H.C. Tseng

Abnormally high CH4 concentrations in seawater at mid-depths on the continental slopes of the northern South China Sea

Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 17 (4), 951-959

Published on: December 2006

doi: 10.3319/TAO.2006.17.4.951(GH)

this paper acknowledged NSC 94-2621-Z-110-001, 94-2611-M-110-001 and Aim for the Top University Plan 95C 030211, HiCi in 2007


cited 26 times until 2024/05/02



Nihoul, J.C.J. and C.T.A. Chen


In: ¡§Oceanography¡¨ (http://www.eolss.net/eBooks), ed. by J.C.J. Nihoul and C.T.A. Chen, in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK, ISBN: 978-1-905839-62-9 e-Book, Vol. 1, 1-36

Published in: 2007


cited 2 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A.*

The Oceans

In: ¡§Oceanography¡¨ (http://www.eolss.net/eBooks), ed. by J.C.J. Nihoul and C.T.A. Chen, in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK, ISBN: 978-1-905839-62-9 e-Book, Vol. 1, 37-59,

Published in: 2007




Chen, C.T.A.*

The open oceans

In: ¡§Oceanography¡¨ (http://www.eolss.net/eBooks), ed. by J.C.J. Nihoul and C.T.A. Chen, in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK, ISBN: 978-1-905839-62-9 e-Book, Vol. 1, 60-79

Published in: 2007




Chen, C.T.A.*

Continental margins and marginal seas

In: ¡§Oceanography¡¨ (http://www.eolss.net/eBooks), ed. by J.C.J. Nihoul and C.T.A. Chen, in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK, ISBN: 978-1-905839-62-9 e-Book, Vol. 1, 80-99

Published in: 2007


cited once until 2024/05/02 



Chen, C.T.A.*

Role of the oceans in global cycles of carbon and nutrients

In: ¡§Oceanography¡¨ (http://www.eolss.net/eBooks), ed. by J.C.J. Nihoul and C.T.A. Chen, in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK, ISBN: 978-1-905839-62-9 e-Book, Vol. 1, 100-118

Published in: 2007


cited once until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A.*

Role of the oceans in global climate system

In: ¡§Oceanography¡¨ (http://www.eolss.net/eBooks), ed. by J.C.J. Nihoul and C.T.A. Chen, in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, ISBN- 978-1-905839-62-9 e-Book, Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK, ISBN: 978-1-905839-62-9 e-Book, Vol. 1, 119-135

Published in: 2007




Chen, C.T.A.*

Chemistry of the oceans

In: ¡§Oceanography¡¨ (http://www.eolss.net/eBooks), ed. by J.C.J. Nihoul and C.T.A. Chen, in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK, ISBN: 978-1-905839-62-9 e-Book, Vol. 1, 284-303

Published in: 2007




Chen, C.T.A.*

General chemistry of seawater

In: ¡§Oceanography¡¨ (http://www.eolss.net/eBooks), ed. by J.C.J. Nihoul and C.T.A. Chen, in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK, ISBN: 978-1-905839-62-9 e-Book, Vol. 1, 304-330

Published in: 2007


cited 7 times until 2024/05/02 



Chen, C.T.A.*

Nutrient cycling in the oceans

In: ¡§Oceanography¡¨ (http://www.eolss.net/eBooks), ed. by J.C.J. Nihoul and C.T.A. Chen, in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK, ISBN: 978-1-905839-62-9 e-Book, Vol. 1, 331-343

Published in: 2007


cited 12 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A.*

Carbonate chemistry of the oceans

In: ¡§Oceanography¡¨ (http://www.eolss.net/eBooks), ed. by J.C.J. Nihoul and C.T.A. Chen, in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK, ISBN: 978-1-905839-62-9 e-Book, Vol. 1, 344-358

Published in: 2007


cited 5 times until 2024/05/02



Chung, Y.C. and C.T.A. Chen

Natural and anthropogenic radionuclides

In: ¡§Oceanography¡¨ (http://www.eolss.net/eBooks), ed. by J.C.J. Nihoul and C.T.A. Chen, in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK, ISBN: 978-1-905839-62-9 e-Book, Vol. 1, 359-388

Published in: 2007


cited 3 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A.*

Human perturbations

In: ¡§Oceanography¡¨ (http://www.eolss.net/eBooks), ed. by J.C.J. Nihoul and C.T.A. Chen, in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK, ISBN: 978-1-905839-62-9 e-Book, Vol. 1, 389-409

Published in: 2007




Chen, C.T.A.*

Non-radioactive ocean pollution

In: ¡§Oceanography¡¨ (http://www.eolss.net/eBooks), ed. by J.C.J. Nihoul and C.T.A. Chen, in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK, ISBN: 978-1-905839-62-9 e-Book, Vol. 1, 410-433

Published in: 2007


cited 2 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A.* and W.Y. Chiau

Human uses of the oceans

In: ¡§Oceanography¡¨ (http://www.eolss.net/eBooks), ed. by J.C.J. Nihoul and C.T.A. Chen, in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK, ISBN: 978-1-905839-64-3, e-Book, Vol. 3, 1-22

Published in: 2007


cited 1 time until 2024/05/02



Chiau, W.Y. and C.T.A. Chen

Management options for ocean conservation

In: ¡§Oceanography¡¨ (http://www.eolss.net/eBooks), ed. by J.C.J. Nihoul and C.T.A. Chen, in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK, ISBN: 978-1-905839-64-3, e-Book, Vol. 3, 69-82

Published in: 2007



(SCI)        218.

Zhang, S.R., X.X. Lu, D.L. Higgitt, C.T.A. Chen, H.G. Sun and J.T. Han

Water chemistry of the Zhujiang (Pearl River): natural processes and anthropogenic influences

Journal of Geophysical Research, 112 (F1), F01011

Published on: March 2007



cited 163 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 219.

Selvaraj, K., C.T.A. Chen and J.Y. Lou

Holocene East Asian monsoon variability: links to solar and tropical Pacific forcing

Geophysical Research Letters, 34 (1), L01703

Published on: 3 January 2007


this paper acknowledged NSC 94-2621-Z-110-001 and 94-2611-M110-001


cited 127 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 220.

Jiao, N.Z.*, Y. Zhang, Y.H. Zeng, W.D. Gardner, A.V. Mishonov, M.J. Richardson, N. Hong, D.L. Pan, X.H. Yan, Y.H. Jo, C.T.A. Chen, P.X. Wang, Y.Y. Chen, H.S. Hong, Y. Bai, X.H. Chen, B.Q. Huang, H. Deng, Y. Shi and D.C. Yang

Ecological anomalies in the East China Sea: Impacts of the Three Gorges Dam?

Water Research, 41 (6), 1287-1293

Published on: March 2007



cited 193 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 221.

Nath, B.N.*, A. Aldahan, G. Possnert, K. Selvaraj, M.B.L. Mascarenhas-Pereira and C.T.A. Chen

10Be variation in surficial sediments of the Central Indian Basin

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 259 (1), 610-615

Published on: June 2007


this paper acknowledged NSC 94-2621-Z-110-001, 94-2611-M110-001 and 95-2621-Z-110-005


cited 7 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 222.

Chou, W.C., D.D. Sheu*, B.S. Lee, C.M. Tseng, C.T.A. Chen, S.L. Wang and G.T.F. Wong

Depth distributions of alkalinity, TCO2 and d13CTCO2 at SEATS time-series site in the northern South China Sea

Deep-Sea Research II, 54 (14-15), 1469-1485

Published on: July 2007



cited 54 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 223.

Chou, W.C., D.D. Sheu, C.T.A. Chen, L.S. Wen, Y. Yang and C.L. Wei

Transport of the South China Sea subsurface water outflow and its influence on carbon chemistry of Kuroshio waters off southeastern Taiwan

Journal of Geophysical Research, 112 (C12), C12008

Published on: 18 December 2007



cited 56 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 224.

Zeng, Z.G.*, C.H. Liu, C.T.A. Chen, X.B. Yin, D.G. Chen, X.Y. Wang, X.M. Wang and G.L. Zhang

Origin of a native sulfur chimney in the Kueishantao hydrothermal field, offshore northeast Taiwan

Science in China (D), 50 (11), 1746-1753

Published on: November 2007



cited 38 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 225.

Chen, C.T.* and K. Selvaraj

Evaluation of elemental enrichments in surface sediments off southwestern Taiwan

Environmental Geology, 54, 1333-1346

Published on: 21 July 2008


this paper acknowledged NSC 86-2611-M-110-007W, 93-2621-Z-110-004, 95-2621-Z-110-005, 95-2611-M-110-001 and Aim for the Top University Plan 95C 0312


cited 61 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 226.

Zhang, S.R.*, X.X. Lu, D.L. Higgit, C.T.A. Chen, J.T. Han and H.G. Sun

Recent changes of water discharge and sediment load in the Zhujiang (Pearl River) Basin, China

Global and Planetary Change, 60 (3-4), 365-380

Published on: February 2008



cited 377 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 227.

Kurian, S., B. Nagender Nath*, V. Ramaswamy, D. Naman, T. Gnaneshwar Rao, K.A. Kamesh Raju, K. Selvaraj and C.T.A. Chen

Possible detrital, diagenetic and hydrothermal sources for Holocene sediments of the Andaman backarc basin

Marine Geology, 247 (3-4), 178-193

Published on: 25 January 2008


this paper acknowledged NSC 94-2621-Z-110-001 and 94-2611-M-110-001


cited 60 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 228.

Chen, C.T.A.*, S.L. Wang, X.X. Lu, S.R. Zhang, H.K. Lui, H.C. Tseng, B.J. Wang and H.I. Huang

Hydrogeochemistry and greenhouse gases of the Pearl River, its estuary and beyond

Quaternary International, 186 (1), 79-90

Published on: 1 August 2008


this paper acknowledged NSC 95-2621-Z-110-005, 95-2611-M-110-001 and Aim for the Top University Plan 95C 0312


cited 85 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 229.

Cai, W.J.*, X.H. Guo, C.T.A. Chen, M.H. Dai, L.J. Zhang, W.D. Zhai, S.E. Lohrenz, K. Yin, P.J. Harrison and Y.C. Wang

A comparative overview of weathering intensity and HCO3- flux in the world¡¦s major rivers with emphasis on the Changjiang, Huanghe, Zhujiang (Pearl) and Mississippi Rivers

Continental Shelf Research, 28 (12), 1538-1549

Published on: 15 July 2008


this paper acknowledged NSC 95-2621-Z-110-005


cited 249 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 230.

Chen, C.T.A.*, W.D. Zhai and M.H. Dai

Riverine input and air-sea CO2 exchanges near the Changjiang (Yangtze River Estuary: Status quo and implication on possible future changes in metabolic status

Continental Shelf Research, 28 (12), 1476-1482

Published on: 15 July 2008


this paper acknowledged NSC 94-2621-Z-110-001, 95-2611-M-110-001 and Aim for the Top University Plan 95C 0312


cited 91 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 231.

Peng, T.R.*, C.T.A. Chen, C.H. Wang, J. Zhang and Y.J. Lin

Assessment of terrestrial factors controlling the submarine groundwater discharge in water shortage and highly deformed island of Taiwan, Western Pacific Ocean

Journal of Oceanography, 64 (2), 323-337,

Published in: 2008


this paper acknowledged NSC 93-2621-Z-005-002, 94-2621-Z-005-006, 95-2621-Z-005-005, 95-2611-M-110-001, 95-2621-Z-110-005


cited 24 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 232.

Naik, H.* and C.T.A. Chen

Biogeochemical cycling in the Taiwan Strait

Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 78 (4), 603-612

Published on: 30 July 2008


this paper acknowledged NSC 95-2621-M-110-001 and 94-2621-Z-110-001


cited 56 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 233.

Rabouille, C.*, D.J. Conley, M.H. Dai, W.-J. Cai, C.T.A. Chen, B. Lansard, R. Green, K. Yin, P.J. Harrison, D. Magg, B. McKee

Comparison of hypoxia among four river-dominated ocean margins: The Changjiang (Yangtze), Mississippi, Pearl and Rhône rivers

Continental Shelf Research, 28 (12), 1527-1537,

Published on: 15 July 2008



cited 277 times until 2024/05/02



Selvaraj, K.*, C.T.A. Chen and J.Y. Lou

Holocene weak summer East Asian monsoon intervals in subtropical Taiwan and their global synchronicity

Climate of the Past Discussions, 4, 929-953

Published in: 2008

this paper acknowledged NSC NSC-95-2621-Z-110-005 and 95-2611-M110-001

cited 8 times until 2024/05/02



Chen C.T.A.*

Effects of climate change on marine ecosystems

In "Fisheries for Global Welfare and Environment, 5th World Fisheries Congress", eds. K. Tsukamoto, T. Kawamura, T. Takeuchi, T. D. Beard, Jr. and M. J. Kaiser, 307-316,

Published in: 2008

this paper acknowledged NSC 96¡V2621-Z-110-002

(Link to the publication)

cited 21 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 236.

Chen, C.T.A.*

Distributions of nutrients in the East China Sea and the South China Sea connection

Journal of Oceanography, 64 (5), 737-751

Published on: 01 October 2008


this paper acknowledged NSC 96-2621-Z-110-002, 96-2628-M-110-002-MY3 and Aim for the Top University Plan (95C 0312)


cited 156 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 237.

Aldrian, E., C.T.A Chen, S. Adi, Prihartanto, N. Sudiana and S. P. Nugroho

Spatial and seasonal dynamics of riverine carbon fluxes of the Brantas catchment in East Java

Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeochemical, 113 (G3), G03029

Published on: September 2008


this paper acknowledged NSC 95-2621-Z-110-005 and Aim for the Top University Plan (94C 030200)


cited 42 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 238.

Liu, Z.F.*, S. Tuo, C. Colin, J.T. Liu, C.-Y. Huang, K. Selvaraj, C.T.A. Chen, Y. Zhao, F.P. Siringan, S. Boulay and Z. Chen

Detrital fine-grained sediment contribution from Taiwan to the northern South China Sea and its relation to regional ocean circulation

Marine Geology, 255 (3-4), 149-155

Published on: 5 December 2008



cited 290 times until 2024/05/02


    (SCI) 239.

Chen, C.T.A.* (Arthur, C.C.T)

Buoyancy leads to high productivity of the Changjiang Diluted Water: a note

Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 27 (6), 133-140

Published in: 2008

this paper acknowledged NSC 96-2621-Z-110-002, 96-2628-M-110-002-MY3 and Aim for the Top University Plan 96C 0312


cited 11 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 240.

Chen, C.T.A.*

Chemical and physical fronts in the Bohai, Yellow and East China Seas

Journal of Marine Systems, 78 (3), 394-410

Published on: October 2009


this paper acknowledged NSC 95-2611-M-110-001, 94-2621-Z-110-001 and Aim for the Top University Plan (Contract No. 95C 0312)


cited 453 times until 2024/05/02; HiCi in 2019/03~2020/03


(SCI) 241.

Chen, C.T.A.* and A.V. Borges

Reconciling opposing views on carbon cycling in the coastal ocean: continental shelves as sinks and near-shore ecosystems as sources of atmospheric CO2

Deep-sea Research II, 56 (8-10), 578-590

Published on: April 2009


this paper acknowledged NSC 95-2621-Z-110-005 and 95-2621-M-10-001


cited 717 times until 2024/05/02; HiCi 2010/03~2020/03

Cited by the IPCC AR6 Chapter 5


(SCI) 242.

Dai, M.H.*, Z.M. Lu, W.D. Zhai, B.S. Chen, Z.M. Cao, K.B. Zhou, W.J. Cai and C.T.A. Chen

Diurnal variations of surface seawater pCO2 in contrasting coastal environments

Limnology and Oceanography, 54 (3), 735-745

Published on: 12 May 2009



cited 163 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 243.

Jan, S. and C.T.A. Chen

Potential biogeochemical effects from vigorous internal tides generated in Luzon Strait: A case study at the southernmost coast of Taiwan

Journal of Geophysical Research, 114 (C4), C04021

Published on: 29 April 2009


this paper acknowledged NSC 95-2621-Z-110-005, NSC 96-2628-M110-002-MY3, and Aim for the Top University Plan 95C0312


cited 80 times until 2024/05/10


(SCI) 244.

Sheu, D.D., W.C. Chou, C.T.A.Chen, C.L. Wei, H.L. Hsieh, W.P. Hou and M.H. Dai

Riding over the Kuroshio from the South to the East China Sea: Mixing and transport of DIC

Geophysical Research Letters, 36 (7), L07603

Published on: 02 April 2009



cited 29 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 245.

Luh, L.J., M.H.A. El-Razek, C.-C. Liaw, C.T.A. Chen, Y.S. Lin, Y.H. Kuo, C.T. Chien, and Y.C. Shen*

Tri- and Bicyclic Taxoids from the Taiwanese Yew Taxus sumatrana

Helvetica Chimica Acta, 92 (7), 1349-1358

Published on: 21 July 2009



cited 8 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 246.

Liu, C.H.*, X.M. Wang, X.D. Jin, Z.G. Zeng, C.T.A Chen

The contribution of trace elements from seawater to chimneys: a case study of the native sulfur chimneys in the sea area off Kueishantao, northeast of Taiwan Island

Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 27 (1), 162-171

Published on: 27 March 2009



cited 2 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A.*

Acidification and the potential dissolution of CaCO3 in the sediments of the South China and Sulu Seas

In: ¡§Critical States: Environmental Challenges to Development in Monsoon Southeast Asia¡¨, edited by Louis Lebel, Anond Snidvongs, Chen-Tung Arthur Chen and Rajesh Daniel

Strategic Information and Research Development Centre: Selangor, Malaysia, ISBN: 978-983-3782-62-8, p. 358-364

Published in: 2009




Lebel, L., A. Snidvongs, C.T.A. Chen and R. Daniel

A common need for action

In:¡§Critical States: Environmental Challenges to Development in Monsoon Southeast Asia¡¨, edited by Louis Lebel, Anond Snidvongs, Chen-Tung Arthur Chen and Rajesh Daniel

Strategic Information and Research Development Centre: Selangor, Malaysia, ISBN: 978-983-3782-62-8, p. 427-449

Published in: 2009


cited once until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 249.

Andreev, A.G.*, C.T.A. Chen, S. Watanabe

Calculation methods and the distribution of anthropogenic variations of pH values in the Pacific Subarctic

Oceanology, 49 (3), 418-428

Published on: 01 July 2009



cited 4 times until 2024/05/02



McDougall, T.*, Feistel, R., Millero, F., Jackett, D., Wright, D., King, B., Marion, G., Chen, C.T.A., Spitzer, P., and Seitz, S.

The international thermodynamic equation of seawater 2010 (TEOS-10): Calculation and use of thermodynamic properties

Global ship-based repeat hydrography manual, IOCCP report no. 14

Published on: 19 August 2009


cited 46 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A.*

An overview of the marginal seas

In: ¡§Carbon and Nutrient Fluxes in Continental Margins: A Global Synthesis¡¨, edited by K.K. Liu, L. Atkinson, R. Quinones, L. Talaue-McManus, Global Change-The IGBP Series, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN: 978-3-540-92734-1, pp. 331-334

Published in: 2010


this paper acknowledged NSC 94-2621-Z-110-001 and 95-2611-M110-001


cited 0 time until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A.*

Cross-boundary exchanges of carbon and nitrogen in continental margins

In:¡§Carbon and Nutrient Fluxes in Continental Margins: A Global Synthesis¡¨, edited by K.K. Liu, L. Atkinson, R. Quinones, L. Talaue-McManus, Global Change-The IGBP Series, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN: 978-3-540-92734-1, pp. 561-574

Published in: 2010


this paper acknowledged NSC 90-2611-M-110-004, 95-2621-Z-110-005)


cited 24 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 252.

Peng, T.R.*, C.H. Wang, C.C. Huang, L.Y. Fei, C.T.A. Chen, J.L. Hwong

Stable isotopic characteristic of Taiwan's precipitation: A case study of western Pacific monsoon region

Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 289 (3-4), 357-366,

Published on: January 2010



cited 174 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 253.

Gao, X.L., C.T.A. Chen, G. Wang, Q.Z. Xue, C. Tang, S.Y. Chen*

Environmental status of Daya Bay surface sediments inferred from a sequential extraction technique

Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 86 (3), 369-378

Published on: 10 February 2010



cited 171 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 254.

Chen, C.T.A.*, S. Jan , T.H. Huang , Y.H. Tseng

Spring of no Kuroshio intrusion in the southern Taiwan Strait

Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, C08011

Published on: 10 August 2010


this paper acknowledged NSC96-2621-Z-110-002 NSC96-2628-M-110-002-MY3, and the ¡§Aim for the Top University¡¨ program (Contract 96 C0312)


cited 33 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 255.

Selvaraj, K.*, G. Parthiban, C.T.A. Chen and J.Y. Lou

Anthropogenic effects on sediment quality offshore southwestern Taiwan: Assessing the sediment core geochemical record

Continental Shelf Research, 30 (10-11), 1200-1210

Published on: 15 June 2010


this paper acknowledged NSC 97-2611-M-110-002 and 97-2811-M-110-026 and the Aim for the Top University Program


cited 46 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 256.

Kim, T.W., K. Lee, R.A. Feely, C.L. Sabine , C.T.A. Chen, H.J. Jeong and K.Y. Kim

Prediction of Sea of Japan (East Sea) acidification over the past 40 years using a multiparameter regression model

Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 24 (3), GB3005

Published on: 16 July  2010



cited 32 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 257.

Lan, Y.Y., B.J. Tsuang*, N. Keenlyside, S.L. Wang, C.T.A. Chen, B.J. Wang, T.H. Liu

Error estimations of dry deposition velocities of air pollutants using bulk sea surface temperature under common assumptions

Atmospheric Environment, 44(21-22), 2532-2542

Published on: July 2010


this paper acknowledged NSC 95-2621-Z-110-005 and 98-2621-M-005-001


cited 2 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 258.

Andreev, A.G., C.T.A. Chen, N.A. Sereda

The distribution of the carbonate parameters in the waters of Anadyr Bay of the Bering Sea and in the western part of the Chukchi Sea

Oceanology, 50 (1), 39-50

Published on: 11 March 2010



cited 15 times until 2024/05/02



Liu, C.H., X.M. Wang, Z.G. Zeng, X.B. Yin, C.T.A. Chen and S.W. Zhang

Origin of the hydrothermal fluid of the shallow sea near Kueishantao Island

Marine Sciences, 34 (3), 61-68 (in Chinese with English abstract).

Published in: 2010


cited 14 times until 2024/05/02



®ü¬v¬ì¾Ç¡A34 (3)¡A61-68¡A2010¡C)



Borges, A.V.*, S.R. Alin, F.P. Chavez, P. Vlahos, K.S. Johnson, J.T. Holt, W.M. Balch, N. Bates, R. Brainard, W.J. Cai, C.T.A. Chen, K. Currie, M. Dai, M. Degrandpre, B. Delille, A. Dickson, W. Evans, R.A. Feely, G.E. Friederich, G.C. Gong, B. Hales, N. Hardman-Mountford, J. Hendee, J.M. Hernandez-Ayon, M. Hood, E. Huertas, D. Hydes, D. Ianson, E. Krasakopoulou, E. Litt, A. Luchetta, J. Mathis, W.R. McGillis, A. Murata, J. Newton, J. Ólafsson, A. Omar, F.F. Perez, C. Sabine, J.E. Salisbury, R. Salm, V.V.S.S. Sarma, B. Schneider, M. Sigler, H. Thomas, D. Turk, D. Vandemark, R. Wanninkhof, B. Ward

A global sea surface carbon observing system: Inorganic and organic carbon dynamics in coastal oceans

In: Proceedings of OceanObs¡¦09: Sustained Ocean Observations and Information for Society (Vol. 2), Venice, Italy, 21-25 September 2009

Hall, J., D.E. Harrison and D. Stammer, Eds., ESA Publication WPP-306

Published in: 2010



cited 40 times until 2024/05/02



McDougall, T.J., R. Feistel, D.G. Wright, R. Pawlowicz, F.J. Millero, D.R. Jackett, B.A. King, G.M. Marion, S. Seitz, P. Spitzer and C-T.A. Chen

Calculation of the thermophysical properties of seawater (2010)

In: The GO-SHIP Repeat Hydrography Manual: A Collection of Expert Reports and Guidelines. Version 1 (IOCCP Report 14), (ICPO Publication Series 134)

Hood, E.M., Sabine, C.L. and Sloyan, B.M. (eds)

Published in: 2010



(SCI) 261.

Selvaraj, K.*, C.T.A. Chen, J.Y. Lou and B.S. Kotlia

Holocene weak summer East Asian monsoon intervals in Taiwan and plausible mechanisms

Quaternary International, 229 (1-2), 57-66

Published on: 1 January 2011


this paper acknowledged NSC 97-2611-M-110-002 and 97-2811-M-110-026


cited 56 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 262.

Zeng, Z.G.*, C.T.A. Chen, X. Yin, X. Zhang, X. Wang, G. Zhang, X. Wang and D. Chen

Origin of native sulfur ball from the Kueishantao hydrothermal field offshore northeast Taiwan: Evidence from trace and rare earth element composition

Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 40 (2), 661-671

Published on: 20 January 2011



cited 32 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 263

Lui, H.K. and C.T.A. Chen*

Shifts in limiting nutrients in an estuary caused by mixing and biological activity

Limnology and Oceanography, 56 (3): 989-998

Published on: 24 April 2011


this paper acknowledged the Aim for the Top University Program and NSC 96-2628-M-110-002-MY3 and 96-2621-Z-110-002


cited 28 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 264.

Hong, H.S., C.T.A. Chen*, Y.W. Jiang, J.Y. Lou, Z.Z. Chen and J. Zhu

Source water of two-pronged northward flow in the southern Taiwan Strait in summer

Journal of Oceanography, 67 (4), 385-393

Published on: 1 August 2011


this paper acknowledged NSC 97-2621-M-110-002 and 96-2628-M-110-002-MY3 and the Aim for the Top University Plan


cited 23 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 265.

Chen, C.T.A.*

Downwelling then upwelling again of the upwelled Kuroshio water in the southern East China Sea

Journal of Geophysical Research, 116 (C7), C07003

Published on: 08 July 2011


this paper acknowledged the Aim for the Top University Program and NSC 97-2621-M-110-002 and 99-2611-M-110-002-MY3


cited 16 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 266.

Qiu, Y., L. Li, C.T.A. Chen, XG. Guo and C.S. Jing

Currents in the Taiwan Strait as observed by surface drifters

Journal of Oceanography, 67 (4), 395-404

Published on: 1 August 2011

dio: 10.1007/s10872-011-0033-4

this paper acknowledged NSC 97-2621-M-110-002 and NSC 96-2621- Z-110-002 and the Aim for the Top University Program


cited 47 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 267.

Chen, C.T.A.*

Microbial carbon pump: additional considerations

Nature Reviews Microbiology, 9, 555

Published on: July, 2011


this paper acknowledged the National Science Council of Taiwan and the Aim for the Top University Program


cited 17 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 268.

Marion, G.M.*, F.J. Millero, M.F. Camões, P. Spitzer, R. Feistel and C.T.A. Chen

pH of Seawater

Marine Chemistry, 126 (1-4), 89-96

Published on: 20 September 2011



cited 264 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 269.

Loh, P.S.*, C.T.A. Chen, G.Z. Anshari, J.T. Wang, J.Y. Lou, S.L. Wang

A comprehensive survey of lignin geochemistry in the sedimentary organic matter along the Kapuas River (West Kalimantan, Indonesia)

Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 43 (1), 118-129

Published on: 1 January 2012


this paper acknowledged the NSC 96-2628-M-110-002-MY3


cited 27 times until 2024/05/02


    (SCI) 270.

Yang, L.Y., H.S. Hong, W.D. Guo, C.T.A. Chen*, P.I. Pan, C.C. Feng

Absorption and fluorescence of dissolved organic matter in submarine hydrothermal vents off NE Taiwan

Marine Chemistry, 128-129, 64-71

Published on: 20 January 2012


this paper acknowledged the NSC 98-2621-M-110-001-MY3 and the ¡§Aim for the Top¡¨ University Program of Taiwan


cited 71 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 271.

Loh, P.S.*, C.T.A. Chen, J.Y. Lou, G.Z. Anshari, H.Y. Chen and J.T. Wang

Comparing lignin-derived phenols, £_13C values, OC/N ratio and 14C age between sediments in the Kaoping (Taiwan) and the Kapuas (Kalimantan, Indonesia) Rivers

Aquatic Geochemistry, 18 (2), 141-158

Published on: January 2012


this paper acknowledged the NSC 96-2628-M-110-002-MY3 and the Aim for the Top University Program


cited 9 times until 2024/05/02



Liu, J., S.J. Wu, H.W. Qin*, Y. Ye and C.T. Chen

Wavelet analysis of in-situ observation data on its periodicity of hydrothermal vents on the seafloor of Kueishan Island

Journal of Zhejiang University (Science Edition), 39(5), 599-605

Published in: 2012



cited 0 time until 2024/05/02



®ý¦¿¤j¾Ç¾Ç³ø (²z¾Çª©)¡A39(5)¡A599-605¡Ain Chinese with English abstract)


(SCI) 273.

Gao, X.L.* and C.T.A. Chen

Heavy metal pollution status in surface sediments of the coastal Bohai Bay

Water Research, 46 (6), 1901-1911

Published on: 15 April 2012



cited 709 times until 2024/05/02, HiCi since May, 201


(SCI) 274.

Chen, C.T.A.*, T.H. Huang, Y.H. Fu, Y. Bai, and X.Q. He

Strong sources of CO2 in upper estuaries become sinks of CO2 in large river plumes

Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 4 (2), 179-185

Published on: May 2012


this paper acknowledged the NSC 98-2621-M-110-001-MY3 99-2611-M-110-002-MY3 and Aim for the Top University Plan

(Link to the publication) or


cited 125 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 275.

Huang, T.H., Y.H. Fu, P.Y. Pan and C.T. A. Chen*

Fluvial carbon fluxes in tropical rivers

Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 4 (2), 162¡V169

Published on: May 2012


this paper acknowledged the NSC 98-2621-M-110-001-MY3, 99-2611-M-110-002-MY3 and the Aim for the Top University Plan


cited 165 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 276.

Chen, C.T. A. * and D.P. Swaney

Terrestrial-ocean transfers of carbon and nutrient across the coastal boundary

Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 4 (2), 159-161

Published on: May 2012



cited 8 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 277.

Lui, H.K. and C.T. A. Chen*

The nonlinear relationship between nutrient ratios and salinity in estuarine ecosystems: Implications for management

Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 4 (2), 227-232

Published on: May 2012


this paper acknowledged the NSC 98-2621-M-110-001-MY3, 99-2611-M-110-002-MY3 and the Aim for the Top University Program


cited 22 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 278.

Selvaraj, K., C.T.A. Chen*, C.P. Babu, J.Y. Lou, C.L. Liu and K.J. Hsu

Glacially derived material in an Inner Mongolian desert lake during Marine Isotope Stage 2

Journal of Quaternary Science, 27 (7), 725¡V733,

Published on: October 2012


this paper acknowledged the NSC 95-2811-Z-110-002, 95-2621-Z-110-005 and 95-2621-M-110-001


cited 4 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 279.

Chou, Y.L., J.Y. Lou, C.T.A. Chen and L.L. Liu*

Spatial distribution of sponge spicules in sediments around Taiwan and the Sunda Shelf

Journal of Oceanography, 68 (6), 905-912

Published on: 30 August 2012


this paper acknowledged NSC 97-2621-M-110-002, the Asia¡VPacific Ocean Research Center, and the Center for Emerging Contaminants Research, National Sun Yat-sen University, funded by the Ministry of Education, Taiwan


cited 8 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 280.

Zhang, Y.*, Z.H. Zhao, C.T.A. Chen, K. Tang, J.Q. Su, N.Z. Jiao*

Sulfur metabolizing microbes dominate microbial communities in andesite-hosted shallow-sea hydrothermal systems

PLOS ONE, 7 (9): e44593

Published on: 7 September 2012



cited 50 times until 2024/05/02 (taken from Google Scholar)


(SCI) 281.

Wang, D.L.*, W.F. Lin, X.Q. Yang, W.D. Zhai, M.H. Dai, C.T.A. Chen

Occurrences of dissolved trace metals (Cu, Cd, and Mn) in the Pearl River Estuary (China), a large river-groundwater-estuary system

Continental Shelf Research, volumes 50¡V51, pages 54¡V63
Published on: 15 December 2012



cited 59 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 282.

Kang, Y., D. L. Pan*, Y. Bai, X.Q. He, X.Y. Chen, C.T.A. Chen, D.F. Wang

Areas of the global major river plumes

Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 32 (1), 79-88

Published on: 09 January 2013



cited 45 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 283.

Fan, W., J.W. Chen*, Y.W. Pan, H.C. Huang, C.T.A. Chen, Y. Chen

Experimental study on the performance of an air-lift pump for artificial upwelling

Ocean Engineering, 59, 47¡V57

Published on: 1 February 2013



cited 102 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 284.

Fan, W., C.T.A. Chen, Y. Chen*

Calibration of an acoustic system for measuring 2-D temperature distribution around hydrothermal vents

Ultrasonics, 53 (4), 897¡V906

Published on: April 2013



cited 17 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 285.

He, X.Q.*, Y. Bai, D.L. Pan, N.L. Huang, X. Dong, J.S. Chen, C.T.A. Chen, Q.F. Cui

Using geostationary satellite ocean color data to map the diurnal dynamics of suspended particulate matter in coastal waters

Remote Sensing of Environment, 133, 225¡V239

Published on: 15 June 2013



cited 268 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 286.

Gao, X.L.*, P.M. Li, C.T.A. Chen

Assessment of sediment quality in two important areas of mariculture in the Bohai Sea and the northern Yellow Sea based on acid-volatile sulfide and simultaneously extracted metal results

Marine Pollution Bulletin, 72 (1), 281-288

Published on: 15 July 2013



cited 65 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 286a.

Gao, X.L.*, P.M. Li, C.T.A. Chen

Corrigendum to ¡§Assessment of sediment quality in two important areas of mariculture in the Bohai Sea and the northern Yellow Sea based on acid-volatile sulfide and simultaneously extracted metal results¡¨ [Mar. Pollut. Bull. 72 (2013) 281¡V288]

Marine Pollution Bulletin, 84 (1-2), 438

Published on: 15 July 2014



cited 0 time until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 287.

Pfeil, B.*, Olsen, A., Bakker, D. C. E., Hankin, S., Koyuk, H., Kozyr, A., Malczyk, J., Manke, A., Metzl, N., Sabine, C. L., Akl, J., Alin, S. R., Bates, N., Bellerby, R. G. J., Borges, A., Boutin, J., Brown, P. J., Cai, W.-J., Chavez, F. P., Chen, A., Cosca, C., Fassbender, A. J., Feely, R. A., González-Dávila, M., Goyet, C., Hales, B., Hardman-Mountford, N., Heinze, C., Hood, M., Hoppema, M., Hunt, C. W., Hydes, D., Ishii, M., Johannessen, T., Jones, S. D., Key, R. M., Körtzinger, A., Landschützer, P., Lauvset, S. K., Lefèvre, N., Lenton, A., Lourantou, A., Merlivat, L., Midorikawa, T., Mintrop, L., Miyazaki, C., Murata, A., Nakadate, A., Nakano, Y., Nakaoka, S., Nojiri, Y., Omar, A. M., Padin, X. A., Park, G.-H., Paterson, K., Perez, F. F., Pierrot, D., Poisson, A., Ríos, A. F., Santana-Casiano, J. M., Salisbury, J., Sarma, V. V. S. S., Schlitzer, R., Schneider, B., Schuster, U., Sieger, R., Skjelvan, I., Steinhoff, T., Suzuki, T., Takahashi, T., Tedesco, K., Telszewski, M., Thomas, H., Tilbrook, B., Tjiputra, J., Vandemark, D., Veness, T., Wanninkhof, R., Watson, A. J., Weiss, R., Wong, C. S., and Yoshikawa-Inoue, H.

A uniform, quality controlled Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT)

Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 5 (1), 125-143

Published on: 4 April 2013



cited 216 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 288.

Sabine, C. L.*, Hankin, S., Koyuk, H., Bakker, D. C. E., Pfeil, B., Olsen, A., Metzl, N., Kozyr, A., Fassbender, A., Manke, A., Malczyk, J., Akl, J., Alin, S. R., Bellerby, R. G. J., Borges, A., Boutin, J., Brown, P. J., Cai, W.-J., Chavez, F. P., Chen, A., Cosca, C., Feely, R. A., González-Dávila, M., Goyet, C., Hardman-Mountford, N., Heinze, C., Hoppema, M., Hunt, C. W., Hydes, D., Ishii, M., Johannessen, T., Key, R. M., Körtzinger, A., Landschützer, P., Lauvset, S. K., Lefèvre, N., Lenton, A., Lourantou, A., Merlivat, L., Midorikawa, T., Mintrop, L., Miyazaki, C., Murata, A., Nakadate, A., Nakano, Y., Nakaoka, S., Nojiri, Y., Omar, A. M., Padin, X. A., Park, G.-H., Paterson, K., Perez, F. F., Pierrot, D., Poisson, A., Ríos, A. F., Salisbury, J., Santana-Casiano, J. M., Sarma, V. V. S. S., Schlitzer, R., Schneider, B., Schuster, U., Sieger, R., Skjelvan, I., Steinhoff, T., Suzuki, T., Takahashi, T., Tedesco, K., Telszewski, M., Thomas, H., Tilbrook, B., Vandemark, D., Veness, T., Watson, A. J., Weiss, R., Wong, C. S., and Yoshikawa-Inoue, H.

Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) gridded data products

Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 5 (1), 145-153

Published on: 4 April 2013



cited 130 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 289.

Liu, Q., D.L. Pan*, Y. Bai, K. Wu, C.T.A. Chen, J. Sun and L. Zhang

The satellite reversion of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) based on the analysis of the mixing behavior of DOC and colored dissolved organic matter: the East China Sea as an example

Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 32 (2), 1-11

Published on: 07 February 2013



cited 18 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 290.

Wu, S.J., C.J. Yang* and C.T.A. Chen

A handheld sampler for collecting organic samples from shallow hydrothermal vents

Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 30, 1951¡V1958

Published on: August 2013



cited 8 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 291.

Chen, X.Y., D.L. Pan*, Y. Bai, X.Q. He, C.T.A. Chen, Z.Z. Hao

Episodic phytoplankton bloom events in the Bay of Bengal triggered by multiple forcings

Deep-Sea Research I, 73, 17¡V30

Published on: March 2013



cited 57 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 292.

He, X., Y. Bai*, D. Pan, C.T. A. Chen, Q. Cheng, D. Wang, and F. Gong

Satellite views of the seasonal and interannual variability of phytoplankton blooms in the eastern China seas over the past 14 yr (1998¡V2011)

Biogeosciences, 10 (7), 4721-4739

Published on: 15 July 2013



cited 128 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 293.

Chen, C.T.A.*, T.H. Huang, Y.C. Chen, Y. Bai, X. He, and Y. Kang

Air¡Vsea exchanges of CO2 in the world's coastal seas

Biogeosciences, 10 (10), 6509-6544

Published on: 15 October 2013


this paper acknowledged NSC 101-2611-M-110-010-MY3, 98-2621-M-110-001-MY3 and the Aim for the Top University Program (01 C0302 04)


cited 329 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 294.

Yang, L.Y., H.S. Hong, C.T.A. Chen*, W.D. Guo, T.H. Huang

Chromophoric dissolved organic matter in the estuaries of populated and mountainous Taiwan

Marine Chemistry, 157, 12-23

Published on: 20 December 2013


this paper acknowledged NSC 98-2621-M-110-001-MY3, NSC 101-2811-M-110-030 and the ¡§Aim for the Top¡¨ University Program of Taiwan (02 C0302 04)


cited 49 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 295.

Tang, K.*, K.S. Liu, N.Z. Jiao*, Y. Zhang, C.T.A. Chen

Functional metagenomic investigations of microbial communities in a shallow-sea hydrothermal system

PLOS ONE, 8 (8): e72958

Published on: August 2013



cited 67 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 296.

Zeng, Z.G.*, X.Y. Wang, C.T.A. Chen, X.B. Yina, S. Chen, Y.Q. Ma, Y.K. Xiao

Boron isotope compositions of fluids and plumes from the Kueishantao hydrothermal field off northeastern Taiwan: Implications for fluid origin and hydrothermal processes

Marine Chemistry, 157, 59¡V66

Published on: 20 December 2013



cited 22 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 297.

Wang, X.Y.*, Z.G. Zeng, S. Chen, X.B. Yin and C.T.A. Chen

Rare earth elements in hydrothermal fluids from Kueishantao, off northeastern Taiwan: Indicators of shallow-water, sub-seafloor hydrothermal processes

Chinese Science Bulletin, 58 (32), 4012-4020

Published on: 11 May 2013



cited 22 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 298.

Jiang, W., P.P. Ye, C.T.A. Chen, K.W. Wang, P.Y. Liu, S. He, X.D. Wu, L.H. Gan, Y. Ye and B. Wu*

Two novel hepatocellular carcinoma cycle inhibitory cyclodepsipeptides from a hydrothermal vent crab-associated fungus aspergillus clavatus C2WU

Marine Drugs, 11 (12), 4761-4772

Published on: 2 December 2013



cited 57 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 299.

Han, A.Q., M.H. Dai*, J.P. Gan, S.J. Kao, X.Z. Zhao, S. Jan, Q. Li, H. Lin, C.T.A. Chen, L. Wang, J.Y. Hu, L.F. Wang, and F. Gong

Inter-shelf nutrient transport from the East China Sea as a major nutrient source supporting winter primary production on the northeast South China Sea shelf

Biogeosciences, 10 (12), 8159-8170

Published on: 11 December 2013



cited 53 times until 2024/05/02



Zhang, H.Y., T.Y.F. Yang, C.T.A Chen , X.G. Chen, H.W. Qin, A.M. Jin, Q. Ding, Y.W. Pan, M.S. Xia, Y. Ye*

Gas composition of submarine hydrothermal systems off Guishandao and in coastal hot springs off Lüdao in Taiwan

Journal Of Tropical Oceanography, 32 (6), 50-57, in Chinese with English abstract

Published in: 2013

doi: 10.11978/j.issn.1009-5470.2013.06.008


cited 3 times until 2024/05/02



¼ö±a®ü¬v¾Ç³ø¡A32 (6): 50-57¡Adoi: 10.11978/j.issn.1009-5470.2013.06.008¡A2013¡C)



Tang, Q.S., C.T.A. Chen, K.F. Yu, M.H. Dai, M.X. Zhao, C.H. Ke, T.F.G. Wong, F. Chai, G.J. Wei, L.P. Zhou, L.Q. CHEN, J.K. Song, J. Barry, Y.P. Wu, K.S. Gao*

The effects of ocean acidification on marine organisms and ecosystem

Chinese Science Bulletin (Chin Ver), 58 (14): 1307-1314, in Chinese with English abstract

Published in: 2013



cited 32 times until 2024/05/02

(­ð±Ò¤É¡B³¯ÂíªF¡B§E§JªA¡BÀ¹¥Áº~¡B»¯¬ü°V¡B¬_¤Ö·Ø¡B¶À¤ÑºÖ¡B®ã´v¡B­³­è°·¡B©P¤O¥­¡B³¯¥ß©_¡B§º¨Î©[¡BJ. Barry¡A§d¨È¥­¡B°ª©[¤s*


¬ì¾Ç³q³ø¡A58 (14): 1307¡V1314¡Adoi:10.1360/972012-1596¡A2013¡C)



Cai, W.J., C.T.A. Chen and A. Borges

Carbon dioxide dynamics and fluxes in coastal waters influenced by river plumes

In: ¡§Biogeochemical Dynamics at Major River-Coastal Interfaces. Linkages with Global Change¡¨, eds., Bianchi, T.S., Allison, M.A., and Cai, W.J., Cambridge University Press, ISBN: 9781107022577, Chapter 7, pp. 155-173

Published in: 2013

Chapter DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781139136853.010

cited 33 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 303.

Lou, J.Y., C.T.A. Chen*, H.K. Lui, K. Selvaraj, S.R. Zhang, X.X. Lu

Comparison of subtropical surface water chemistry between the large Pearl River in China and small mountainous rivers in Taiwan

Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 79 (Part A), 182-190

Published on: 5 January 2014


this paper acknowledged the Asia Pacific Ocean Research Center, National Sun Yat-sen Univ. with funding from the ¡§Aim for the Top¡¨ University Program of Taiwan (02C030204) and NSC 98-2611-M-110-001-MY3


cited 10 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 304.

Gao, X.L.*, F.X. Zhou, and C.T.A. Chen

Pollution status of the Bohai Sea: An overview of the environmental quality assessment related trace metals

Environment International, 62, 12-30

Published on: January 2014


this paper acknowledged Taiwan's aim for the Top University Program


cited 356 times until 2024/05/02, HiCi since November, 2014


(SCI) 305.

Soon, W.*, V.M. Velasco Herrera, K. Selvaraj, R. Traversi, I. Usoskin, C.T.A. Chen, J.Y. Lou, S.J. Kao, R.M. Carter, V. Pipin, M. Severi, S. Becagli

A review of Holocene solar-linked climatic variation on centennial to millennial timescales: Physical processes, interpretative frameworks and a new multiple cross-wavelet transform algorithm

Earth-Science Reviews, 134, 1-15

Published in: 2014



cited 122 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 306.

Han, C.H.*, Y. Ye, Y.W. Pan, H.W. Qin, G.H. Wu, C.T.A. Chen

Spatial distribution pattern of seafloor hydrothermal vents to the southeastern Kueishan Tao offshore Taiwan Island

Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 33 (4), 37-44,

Published in: 2014



cited 18 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 307.

Zhang, Y., X.L. Gao* and C.T.A. Chen

Rare earth elements in intertidal sediments of Bohai Bay, China: Concentration, fractionation and the influence of sediment texture

Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 105, 72-79

Published on: July 2014


this paper acknowledged Taiwan's Aim for the Top University Program


cited 24 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 308.

Wang, L.C., H. Behling, Y.M. Chen, M.S. Huang, C.T.A. Chen, J.Y. Lou, Y.P. Chang*, H.C. Li*

Holocene monsoonal climate changes tracked by multiproxy approach from a lacustrine sediment core of the subalpine Retreat Lake in Taiwan

Quaternary International, 333 (30), 69¡V76

Published on: 30 May 2014



cited 33 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 309.

Jiang, W., Y.Q. Zhong, L. Shen, X.D. Wu, Y. Ye, C.T.A. Chen and B. Wu*

Stress-driven discovery of natural products from extreme marine environment- Kueishantao hydrothermal vent, a case study of metal switch valve

Current Organic Chemistry, 18 (7), 925-934

Published in: 2014



cited 27 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 310.

Ye, P.P., L. Shen, W. Jiang, Y. Ye, C.T.A. Chen, X.D. Wu, K.W. Wang, B. Wu*

Zn-driven discovery of a hydrothermal vent fungal metabolite clavatustide C, and an experimental study of the anti-cancer mechanism of clavatustide B

Marine Drugs, 12 (6), 3203-3217

Published on: 28 May 2014



cited 34 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 311.

He, X.Q., Y. Bai, C.T.A. Chen*, Y.C. Hsin, C.R. Wu, W.D. Zhai, Z.L. Liu and F. Gong

Satellite views of the episodic terrestrial material transport to the southern Okinawa Trough driven by typhoon

Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (7), 4490-4504

Published on: 2 July 2014


this paper acknowledged MOST 103-2611-M-110-010, NSC 101-2611-M-110-010-MY3 and the Aim for the Top University Program (03c 0302 04)


cited 41 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 312.

Bai, Y.*, X.Q. He, D.L. Pan, C.T.A. Chen, Y. Kang, X.Y. Chen, and W.J. Cai

Summertime Changjiang River plume variation during 1998¡V2010

Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (9), 6238¡V6257

Published on: 26 August 2014



cited 97 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 313.

Lui, H.K., C.T.A. Chen*, J. Lee, Y. Bai and X.Q. He

Looming hypoxia on outer shelves caused by reduced ventilation in the open oceans: case study of the East China Sea

Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 151, 355-360

Published on: 5 December 2014


this paper acknowledged ¡§The Aim for the Top University Plan¡¨ (03C 0302 04) and NSC 101-2611-M-110-010-MY3 and 102-2611-M-110-003


cited 26 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 314.

Liu, Q., D.L. Pan*, Y. Bai, K. Wu, C.T.A. Chen, Z.L. Liu and L. Zhang

Estimating dissolved organic carbon inventories in the East China Sea using remote-sensing data

Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (10), 6557¡V6574

Published on: 3 September 2014



cited 39 times until 2024/05/02200


(SCI) 315.

Bai, Y.*, T.H. Huang, X.Q. He, S.L. Wang, Y.C. Hsin, C.R. Wu, W.D. Zhai, H.K. Lui, C.T.A. Chen

Intrusion of the Pearl River plume into the main channel of the Taiwan Strait in summer

Journal of Sea Research, 95, 1-15

Published on: January 2015


this paper acknowledged MOST 103-2611-M-110-010, NSC 101-2611-M-110-010-MY3 and the ¡§Aim for the Top University¡¨ program (03C 0302 04)

http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.seares.2014.10.003 or http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1385110114001737

cited 65 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 316.

Kao, S.J.*, B.Y. Wang, L.W. Zheng, K. Selvaraj, S.C. Hsu, X.H. Wan, M. Xu, and C.T.A. Chen

Spatiotemporal variations of nitrogen isotopic records in the Arabian Sea

Biogeosciences, 12 (1), 1-14

Published on: 5 Jan 2015



cited 12 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 317.

Huang, Y.F., Jun. Li, T.Y. Yin, J.J. Jia, Q. Ding, H. Zheng, C.T.A. Chen, Y. Ye*

A novel all-solid-state ammonium electrode with polyaniline and copolymer of aniline/2, 5-dimethoxyaniline as transducers

Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 741, 87-92

Published on: 15 March 2015



cited 36 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 318.

Gao, X.L.*, W. Zhuang, C.T.A. Chen, Y. Zhang

Sediment quality of the SW Coastal Laizhou Bay, Bohai Sea, China: A comprehensive assessment based on the analysis of heavy metals

PLOS ONE, 10(3): e0122190

Published on: 27 March 2015



cited 53 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 319.

Pan, Y.W., W. Fan, T.H. Huang, S.L. Wang, C.T.A. Chen*

Evaluation of the sinks and sources of atmospheric CO2 by artificial upwelling

Science of The Total Environment, 511, 692¡V702

Published on: 1 April 2015


this paper acknowledge the Aim for the Top University Program of Taiwan


cited 39 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 320.

Chen, Y.J., J.Y. Wu, C.T.A. Chen, and L.L. Liu*

Effects of low-pH stress on shell traits of the dove snail, Anachis misera, inhabiting shallow-vent environments off Kueishan Islet, Taiwan

Biogeosciences, 12 (9), 2631-2639

Published on: 5 May 2015


this paper acknowledged the Asia-Pacific Ocean Research Center, National Sun Yat-sen University, supported by the Ministry of Education, Taiwan


cited 28 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 321.

Li, T., Y. Bai*, G. Li, X.Q. He, C.T.A. Chen, K.S. Gao, D. Liu

Effects of ultraviolet radiation on marine primary production with reference to satellite remote sensing

Frontiers of Earth Science, 9 (2), 237-247

Published on: June 2015



cited 11 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 322.

Li, T., D.L. Pan, Y. Bai*, G. Li, X.Q. He, C.T.A. Chen, K.S. Gao, D. Liu, H. Lei

Satellite remote sensing of ultraviolet irradiance on the ocean surface

Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 34 (6), 101-112

Published on: June 2015



cited 6 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 323.

Lui, H.K. and C.T.A. Chen*

Deducing acidification rates based on short-term time series

Scientific Reports, 5, Article number: 11517

Published on: 6 July 2015


this paper acknowledged The Aim for Top University Program (03 C0302 04, 04 C0302 04) and NSC 101-2611-M-110-010-MY3, NSC 102-2611-M-110-003, MOST 103-2811-M-110-014 and MOST 103-2611-M-110-010


and Supplementary Information:


cited 15 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 324.

Huang, T.H., C.T.A. Chen*, W.Z. Zhang, X.F. Zhuang

Varying intensity of Kuroshio intrusion into Southeast Taiwan Strait during ENSO events

Continental Shelf Research, 103, 79¡V87

Published on: 15 July 2015


this paper acknowledged MOST 103-2611-M-110-010 and the Aim for the Top University Program Project (03 C0302 04)


cited 36 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 325.

Gao, X.L.*, F.X. Zhou, C.T.A. Chen, Q.G. Xing

Trace metals in the suspended particulate matter of the Yellow River (Huanghe) Estuary: Concentrations, potential mobility, contamination assessment and the fluxes into the Bohai Sea

Continental Shelf Research, 104: 25-36

Published on: 1 August 2015



cited 68 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 326.

Chen, C.T.A.*, Y.T. Yeh, Y.C. Chen, T.H. Huang

Seasonal and ENSO-related interannual variability of subsurface fronts separating West Philippine Sea waters from South China Sea waters near the Luzon Strait

Deep-Sea Research I, 103, 13¡V23

Published on: September 2015


this paper acknowledged MOST 101-2611-M- 110-010-MY3, 102-2611-M-110-003 and 103-2611-M-110-010, as did the Aim for the Top University Program (03C 0302 04)


cited 18 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 327.

Zhang, W.Z.*, X.F. Zhuang, C.T.A. Chen (C.A. Chen) and T.H. Huang

The impact of Kuroshio water on the source water of the southeastern Taiwan Strait: numerical results

Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 34 (9), 23¡Ð34

Published on: 4 September 2015



cited 8 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 328.

Fan, W., Y. Pan, C.C.K. Liu, J.C. Wiltshire, C.T.A. Chen, Y. Chen

Hydrodynamic design of deep ocean water discharge for the creation of a nutrient-rich plume in the South China Sea

Ocean Engineering, 108, 356 ¡V 368

Published on: 1 November 2015



cited 31 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 329.

Pang, H.J., Z.H. Lou, A.M. Jin, K.K. Yan, Y. Jiang, X.H. Yang, C.T.A. Chen, X.G. Chen*,

Contamination, distribution, and sources of heavy metals in the sediments of Andong tidal flat, Hangzhou bay, China

Continental Shelf Research, 110, 72-84

Published on: 1 November 2015



cited 58 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 330.

Chen, C.T.A., X.L. Gao, J. Ishizaka, L. Lebel

Coastal seas in a changing world: Anthropogenic impact and environmental responses

Continental Shelf Research, 111 (Part B), 109-111

Published on: 1 December 2015



cited 3 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 331.

Lui, H.K., C.T.A. Chen*, J. Lee, S.L. Wang, G.C. Gong, Y. Bai, X.Q. He

Acidifying intermediate water accelerates the acidification of seawater on shelves: An example of the East China Sea

Continental Shelf Research, 111 (Part B), 223¡V233

Published on: 1 December 2015


this paper acknowledged The Aim for Top University Program (04 C0302 04) and NSC 101-2611-M-110-010-MY3, MOST 103-2811-M-110-014 and MOST 103-2611-M-110-010


cited 31 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 332.

Ding, Q., Y.W. Pan, Y.F. Huang, C.T.A. Chen, Y. Ye*

The optimization of Ag/Ag2S electrode using carrier electroplating of nano silver particles and its preliminary application to offshore Kueishan Tao, Taiwan

Continental Shelf Research, 111 (Part B), 262-267

Published on: 1 December 2015



cited 9 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 333.

Chen, X.Y.*, D.L. Pan, Y. Bai, X.Q. He, C.T.A. Chen, Y. Kang, B.Y. Tao

Estimation of typhoon-enhanced primary production in the South China Sea: A comparison with the Western North Pacific

Continental Shelf Research, 111 (Part B), 286¡V293

Published on: 1 December 2015



cited 20 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 334.

Yang, L.Y., C.T.A. Chen*, H.S. Hong, Y.C. Chang, H.K. Lui

Mixing behavior and bioavailability of dissolved organic matter in two contrasting subterranean estuaries as revealed by fluorescence spectroscopy and parallel factor analysis

Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 166 (Part B), 161¡V169

Published on: 5 December 2015


this paper acknowledged NSC 98-2621-M-110-001-MY3 NSC 101-2811-M-110-030 and the ¡§Aim for the Top¡¨ University Program of Taiwan


cited 37 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 335.

Wang, D.*, W. Xia, S. Lu, G. Wang, Q. Liu, W.S. Moore and C.T.A. Chen

The nonconservative property of dissolved molybdenum in the western Taiwan Strait: Relevance of submarine groundwater discharges and biological utilization

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 17 (1) , 28¡V43

Published on: 7 January 2016



cited 21 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 336.

Ding, C.H., X.D. Wu, B.N. Auckloo, C.T.A. Chen, Y. Ye, K.W. Wang and B. Wu*

An unusual stress metabolite from a hydrothermal vent fungus Aspergillus sp. WU 243 induced by cobalt

Molecules, 21 (1), 105

Published on: 16 January 2016



cited 33 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 337.

Selvaraj, K.*, B.Z. Lin, J.Y. Lou, W.L. Xia, X.T. Huang, C.T.A. Chen

Lacustrine sedimentological and geochemical records for the last 170 years of climate and environmental changes in southeastern China

Boreas, 45 (1), 165-179

Published on: January 2016



cited 22 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 338.

Chen, C.T.A.*, Y.T. Yeh, T. Yanagi, Y. Bai, X. He, and T.H. Huang

The tug-of-war between the West Philippine Sea and South China Sea tropical waters and intermediate waters in the Okinawa Trough

Journal of Geophysical Research, 121 (3), 1736¡V1754

Published on: 15 March 2016


this paper acknowledged MOST 101-2611-M-110- 010-MY3, 102-2611-M-110-003, and 103-2611-M-110-010, as did the Aim for the Top University Program (04C 0302 04)


cited 5 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A.*

Oceanic storage of CO2 by Japan and Taiwan

Cornerstone, 4 (1), 51-54

Published in: Spring 2016


cited 0 time until 2024/05/02 


(SCI) 340.

Gao, X.L.*, F.X. Zhou, H.K. Lui, J.Y. Lou, C.T.A. Chen, W. Zhuang

Trace metals in surface sediments of the Taiwan Strait: geochemical characteristics and environmental indication

Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23 (11), 10494-10503

Published in: June 2016


this paper acknowledged MOST 103-2611-M-110-010, NSC 101-2611-M-110-010-MY3, the Taiwan¡¦s Aim for the Top University Program (04C030204)


cited 10 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 341.

Zhou, F.X., X.L. Gao*, H.M. Yuan, J.M. Song, C.T.A. Chen, H.K. Lui, Y. Zhang

Geochemical forms and seasonal variations of phosphorus in surface sediments of the East China Sea shelf

Journal of Marine Systems, 159, 41¡V54

Published in: July 2016



cited 50 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 342.

Song, X.L., Y. Bai, W.J. Cai, C.T.A. Chen, D.L. Pan, X.Q. He and Q.K. Zhu

Remote sensing of sea surface pCO2 in the Bering Sea in summer based

on a mechanistic semi-analytical algorithm (MeSAA)

Remote Sensing, 8 (7), 558

Published in: July 2016



cited 23 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 343.

Brondizio, E.*, S.K. O¡¦Brien, X.M. Bai, F. Biermann, W. Steffen, F. Berkhout, C. Cudennec, M.C. Lemos, A. Wolfe, J. Palma-Oliveira, C.T.A. Chen

Re-conceptualizing the Anthropocene: A call for collaboration

Global Environmental Change, 39, 318-327

Published in: July 2016



cited 366 times until 2024/05/02, HiCi since November, 2016


(SCI) 344.

Biermann, F.*, X.M. Bai, N. Bondre, W. Broadgate, C.T.A. Chen, O.P. Dube, J.W. Erisman, M. Glaser, S. van der Hel, M.C. Lemos, S. Seitzinger, K.C. Seto

Down to Earth: Contextualizing the Anthropocene

Global Environmental Change, 39, 341-350

Published in: July 2016



cited 283 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 345.

Chen, X.G.*, H.Y. Zhang, X.H. Li, C.T.A. Chen, T.Y.F. Yang, Y. Ye

The chemical and isotopic compositions of gas discharge from shallow-water hydrothermal vents at Kueishantao, offshore northeast Taiwan

Geochemical Journal, 50 (4), 341-355

Published on: 31 July 2016                                   


this paper acknowledged the Aim for the Top University Program of Taiwan (03C0302)

https://geochemical-journal.jp/papers/view/1848 or


cited 22 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 346.

He, X.Q.*, D.F. Xu, Y. Bai, D.L. Pan, C.T.A. Chen, X.Y. Chen, F. Gong

Eddy-entrained Pearl River plume into the oligotrophic basin of the South China Sea

Continental Shelf Research, 124, 117¡V124

Published on: 1 August 2016



cited 54 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 347.

Pan, C.Q., Y.T. Shi, B.N. Aucklo, X.G. Chen, C.T.A. Chen, X.Y. Tao, Bin Wu*

An unusual conformational isomer of verrucosidin backbone from a hydrothermal vent fungus, Penicillium sp. Y-50-10

Mar. Drugs 2016, 14 (8), 156

Published on: 18 August 2016



cited 21 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 348.

Tseng, H.C., C.T.A. Chen*, A.V. Borges, T.A. DelValls, C.M. Lai, T.Y. Chen

Distributions and sea-to-air fluxes of nitrous oxide in the South China Sea and the West Philippines Sea

Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research, 115, 131¡V144

Published in: September 2016


this paper acknowledged MOST 104-2611-M-110-015 and 104- 2611-M-110-016) and the Aim for the Top University Program Project (04C030204 and 05C030204)


cited 21 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 349.

Turner, D.R.*, E.P. Achterberg, C.T.A. Chen, S.L. Clegg, V Hatje, M.T. Maldonado, S.G. Sander, C.M.G. van den Berg and M. Wells

Toward a quality-controlled and accessible Pitzer model for seawater and related systems

Frontiers in Marine Science, 3:139

Published on: 16 September 2016



cited 31 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 350.

Yang, L.Y., C.T.A. Chen*, H.K. Lui, W.E. Zhuang and B.J. Wang

Effects of microbial transformation on dissolved organic matter in the east Taiwan Strait and implications for carbon and nutrient cycling

Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 180, 59¡V68

Published on: 5 October 2016


this paper acknowledged MOST103-2811-M110-014; NSC 103-2611-M-110-010 and the ¡§Aim for the Top¡¨ University Program of Taiwan (04C030204)


cited 26 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 351.

Loh, P.S.*, C.T.A. Chen, G.Z. Anshari, J.Y. Lou, J.T. Wang, S.L. Wang, and B.J. Wang

Sedimentary organic matter and phosphate along the Kapuas River (West Kalimantan, Indonesia)

Journal of Chemistry, vol. 2016, Article ID 6874234, 9 pages

Published on: October 2016


this paper acknowledged NSC101-2611-M-110-010-MY3 and MOST103-2611-M-110-010 and the Aim for the Top University Program Project 03C 0302 04


cited 10 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 352.

Zhang, Y., X.L. Gao*, C.Y. Wang, C.T.A. Chen, F.X. Zhou, Y.W. Yang

Geochemistry of phosphorus in sediment cores from Sishili Bay, China

Marine Pollution Bulletin, 113 (1-2), 552¡V558

Published on: 15 December 2016



cited 25 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 353.

Shi, Y.T., C.Q. Pan, B.N. Auckloo, X.G. Chen, C.T.A. Chen, K.W. Wang, X.D. Wu, Y. Ye, B. Wu*

Stress-driven discovery of a cryptic antibiotic produced by Streptomyces sp. WU20 from Kueishantao hydrothermal vent with an integrated metabolomics strategy

Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 110 (4), 1395-1408

Published on: February 2017



cited 38 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 354.

Pan, C.Q., Y.T. Shi, X.G. Chen, C.T.A. Chen, X.Y. Tao and B. Wu*  

New compounds from a hydrothermal vent crab-associated fungus Aspergillus versicolor XZ-4

Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 15 (5), 1155-1163

Published on: 07 February 2017



cited 47 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 355.

Xing, L., Y.T. Kang, Y.F. Zhou, Y. Ye, X. Zhang, Y.F Huang, C.T.A. Chen, H.W Qin*

Determination of sulfate in seawater by a novel all-solid-state sulfate sensor with H2SO4 doped polyaniline as sensitive membrane

International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 12 (2), 1506-1520

Published in: February 2017



cited 13 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 356.

Tseng, H.C., C.T.A. Chen*, A.V. Borges, T.A. DelValls, Y.C. Chang

Methane in the South China Sea and the Western Philippine Sea

Continental Shelf Research, 135, 23-34

Published on: 1 March 2017


this paper acknowledged MOST 104-2611-M-110-015 and 104-2611-M-110-016) and the Aim for the Top University Program Project (04C030204 and 05C030204)


cited 27 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 357.

Yang, L.Y., W.E. Zhuang, C.T.A. Chen*, B.J. Wang, F.W. Kuo

Unveiling the transformation and bioavailability of dissolved organic matter in contrasting hydrothermal vents using fluorescence EEM-PARAFAC

Water Research, 111, 195-203

Published on: 15 March 2017


this paper acknowledged MOST 103-2811-M110-014, 103-2611-M-110-010, the ¡§Aim for the Top¡¨ University Program (04C030204)


cited 66 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 358.

Lui, H.K. and C.T.A. Chen*

Reconciliation of pH25 and pHinsitu acidification rates of the surface oceans: A simple conversion using only in situ temperature

Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 15 (3), 328-335

Published in: March 2017


this paper acknowledged The Aim for Top University Program of Taiwan (04 C030204), the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan (MOST104-2611-M-110-015, MOST104-2611-M-110-016, and MOST104-2811-M-110-013)


cited 18 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 359.

Zhang, X., Y. Ye, Y.T. Kan, Y.F. Huang, J.J. Jia, Y. Zhao, C.T.A. Chen, H.W. Qin*

A new electroplated Ir/Ir (OH)x pH electrode and its application in the coastal areas of Newport Harbor, California

Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 36 (5), 99¡V104

Published on: 4 May 2017



cited 9 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 360.

Huang, T.H., C.T.A. Chen*, H.C. Tseng, J.Y. Lou, S.L. Wang, L. Yang, S. Kandasamy, X.L. Gao, J.T. Wang, E. Aldrian, G.S. Jacinto, G.Z. Anshari, P. Sompongchaiyakul and B.J. Wang

Riverine carbon fluxes to the South China Sea

Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 122 (5), 1239-1259

Published on: 25 May 2017


this paper acknowledged MOST-105-2611-M-110-017


cited 40 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 361.

Chen, C.T.A.*, S. Kandasamy*, Y.P. Chang, Y. Bai, X.Q. He, J.T. Lu, X.L. Gao

Geochemical evidence of the indirect pathway of terrestrial particulate material transport to the Okinawa Trough

Quaternary International, 441 (Part A), 51-61

Published on: 16 June 2017


this paper acknowledged MOST 103-2611-M-110-010, 104-2611-M-110-96 and the ¡§Aim for the Top University¡¨ program


cited 26 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 362.

He, X.Q.*, D.L. Pan, Y. Bai, T.Y. Wang, C.T.A. Chen, Q.K. Zhu, Z.Z. Hao and F. Gong

Recent changes of global ocean transparency observed by SeaWiFS

Continental Shelf Research, 143, 159-166

Published on: 1 July 2017



cited 48 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 363.

Dang, H.Y.* and C.T.A. Chen

Ecological energetic perspectives on responses of nitrogen-transforming chemolithoautotrophic microbiota to changes in the marine environment

Frontiers in Microbiology, 8, 1246

Published on: 14 July 2017



cited 43 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 364.

Shi, Y.T., C.Q. Pan, K.W. Wang, X.G. Chen, X.D. Wu, C.T.A. Chen, Bin Wu*

Synthetic multispecies microbial communities reveals shifts in secondary metabolism and facilitates cryptic natural product discovery

Environmental Microbiology, 19 (9), 3606-3618

Published in: September 2017



cited 38 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 365.

Pan, C.Q., Y.T. Shi, B.N. Auckloo, S.S. ul Hassan, N. Akhter, K.W. Wang*, Y. Ye, C.T.A. Chen, X.Y. Tao, B. Wu*

Isolation and antibiotic screening of fungi from a hydrothermal vent site and characterization of secondary metabolites from a Penicillium isolate

Marine Biotechnology, 19 (5), 469-479

Published on: October 2017



cited 25 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 366.

Yuan, H.W., J.F. Chen, Y. Ye, Z.H. Lou, A.M. Jin, X.G. Chen, Z.P. Jiang, Y.S. Lin, C.T.A. Chen, P.S. Loh*

Sources and distribution of sedimentary organic matter along the Andong salt marsh, Hangzhou Bay

Journal of Marine Systems, 174, 78-88

Published in: October 2017



cited 43 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 367.

Zheng, H., C.D. Xu, L.Y. Yang, J.F. Chen, C.T.A. Chen*, B.J. Wang

Diurnal variations of dissolved organic matter in the hydrothermal system of Green Island, Taiwan

Marine Chemistry, 195, 61-69

Published on: 20 October 2017


this paper acknowledged the ¡§Aim for the Top University¡¨ program of the Ministry of Education, Taiwan (04C030204)


cited 6 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 368.

Ferrera, C.M.*, G.S. Jacinto, C.T.A. Chen, M.L. San Diego-McGlone, M.F.K.T. Datoc, M.C.T. Lagumen, M.I.S. Senal

Carbonate parameters in high and low productivity areas of the Sulu Sea, Philippines

Marine Chemistry, 195, 2-14

Published on: 20 October 2017

doi:10.1016/ j.marchem.2017.08.005


cited 12 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 369.

Chen, C.T.A.*, H.K. Lui*, C.H. Hsieh, T. Yanagi, N. Kosugi, M. Ishii and G.C. Gong

Deep oceans may acidify faster than anticipated due to global warming

Nature Climate Change, 7, 890¡V894

Published on: 27 November 2017

doi: 10.1038/s41558-017-0003-y

this paper acknowledged the Aim for the Top University Program of Taiwan (04C 030204) and the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan (contracts MOST104- 2611-M-110-015, MOST104-2611-M-110-016 and MOST104-2811-M-110-013)


cited 72 times until 2024/05/02

Cited by the IPCC AR6 Chapters 2 and 5.


(SCI) 370.

Hung, J.J.*, H.Y. Yeh, S.H. Peng and C.T.A. Chen

Influence of submarine hydrothermalism on sulfur and metal accumulation in surface sediments in the Kueishantao venting field off northeastern Taiwan

Marine Chemistry, 198, 88-96

Published on: 20 January 2018


cited 21 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 371.

Huang, T.H., Z.X. Lun, Z., C.R. Wu and Chen, C.T.A.*

Interannual carbon and nutrient fluxes in southeastern Taiwan Strait

Sustainability, 10 (2), 372

Published on: 31 January 2018


this paper acknowledged MOST 106-2611-M-110-016 and 106-2811-M-110-019


cited 10 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 372.

Loh, P.S.*, L.X. Cheng, H.W. Yuan, L. Yang, Z.H. Lou, A.M. Jin, X.G. Chen, Y.S. Lin, C.T.A. Chen

Impacts of human activity and extreme weather events on sedimentary organic matter in the Andong salt marsh, Hangzhou Bay, China

Continental Shelf Research, 154, 55-64

Published on: 15 February 2018


cited 11 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 373.

Tang, K.*, Y. Zhang*, D. Lin, Y. Han, C.T.A. Chen, D. Wang, Y.S. Lin, J. Sun, Q. Zheng and N.Z. Jiao*

Cultivation-independent and cultivation-dependent analysis of microbes in the shallow-sea hydrothermal system off Kueishantao Island, Taiwan: Unmasking heterotrophic bacterial diversity and functional capacity

Frontiers in Microbiology, 9:279

Published on:22 February 2018


cited 34 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 374.

Bai, Y., X.Q. He*, S.J. Yu and C.T.A. Chen

Changes in the ecological environment of the marginal seas along the Eurasian continent from 2003 to 2014

Sustainability, 10 (3), 635

Published on: 28 February 2018



cited 18 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 375.

Pan, Y.W., L. You, Y.F. Li, W. Fan*, C.T.A. Chen, B.J. Wang and Y. Chen

Achieving highly efficient atmospheric CO2 uptake by artificial upwelling

Sustainability, 10 (3), 664

Published on: 1 March 2018



cited 13 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 376.

Chen, X.G., S.S. Lyu, P.P. Zhang, M.Z. Yu, C.T.A. Chen, Y.J. Chen, X.H. Li, A.M. Jin, H.Y. Zhang, W. Duan*, Y. Ye

Gas discharges from the Kueishantao hydrothermal vents, offshore northeast Taiwan: Implications for drastic variations of magmatic/hydrothermal activities

Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 353, 1-10

Published on: 15 March 2018



cited 6 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 377.

Lui, H.K.*, K. Y. Chen, C.T.A. Chen, B. S. Wang, H.L. Lin, S.H. Ho, C.J. Tseng, Y. Yang and J.W. Chan

Physical forcing-driven productivity and sediment flux to the deep basin of northern South China Sea: A decadal time series study

Sustainability, 10 (4), 971

Published on: 27 March 2018


this paper acknowledged MOST 105-2611-M-110-017, MOST 105-2119-M-110-004, MOST 104-2611-M-110-016, and MOST104-2611-M-110-015


cited 14 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 378.  

Zeng, Z.G.*, Y. Ma, X.Y. Wang, C.T.A Chen, X.B. Yin, S.P. Zhang, J.L. Zhang, W. Jiang

Elemental compositions of crab and snail shells from the Kueishantao hydrothermal field in the southwestern Okinawa Trough

Journal of Marine Systems, 180, 90-101

Published in: April 2018



cited 20 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 379.

Chen, X.G.*, S.S. Lyu, D. Garbe-Schönberg, M. Lebrato, X.H. Li, H.Y. Zhang, P.P. Zhang, C.T.A. Chen, Y. Ye

Heavy metals from Kueishantao shallow-sea hydrothermal vents, offshore northeast Taiwan

Journal of Marine Systems, 180, 211-219

Published in: April 2018


this paper acknowledged the Aim for the Top University Program of Taiwan (03C0302)


cited 34 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 380.

Zeng, Z.G.*, X.Y. Wang, C.T.A. Chen, and H.Y. Qi

Understanding the compositional variability of the major components of hydrothermal plumes in the Okinawa Trough

Geofluids, vol. 2018, Article ID 1536352, 20 pages

Published on: 4 April 2018



cited 8 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 381.

Liu, Q., S. Kandasamy*, B. Lin, H. Wang and C.T.A. Chen

Biogeochemical characteristics of suspended particulate matter in deep chlorophyll maximum layers in the southern East China Sea

Biogeosciences, 15 (7), 2091-2109

Published on: 10 April 2018

doi: 10.5194/bg-15-2091-2018


cited 29 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 382.

Pan, C.Q., Y.T. Shi, B.N. Auckloo, C.T.A. Chen, X.G. Chen, X.D. Wu, Bin Wu*

Four verrucosidin derivatives isolated from the hydrothermal vent sulfur-derived fungus Penicillium sp. Y-50-10

Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 54 (2), 253¡V256

Published on: 17 April 2018 (First Online)



cited 9 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 383.

Zhou, F.X., X.L. Gao*, J.M. Song, C.T.A. Chen, H.M. Yuan, Q.G. Xing

Absorption properties of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in the East China Sea and the waters off eastern Taiwan

Continental Shelf Research, 159, 12-23

Published on: 1 May 2018

doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2018.03.005


cited 16 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 384.

Zheng, H.*, Z.S. Yan, J.F. Chen, H.Y. Jin, C.T.A. Chen, M.K. Liu, Z.P. Yan,Z.Q. Ji

Seasonal variations of dissolved organic matter in the East China Sea using EEM-PARAFAC and implications for carbon and nutrient cycling

Sustainability, 10 (5), 1444

Published on: 5 May 2018

doi: 10.3390/su10051444

cited 14 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, X.G., Z.Y. Qiu, W. Duan*, X.H. Li, Ying Ye* and C.T.A. Chen

Elemental enrichment in the microscopic inclusions of the native sulfur from Kueishantao hydrothermal system, Taiwan, China

Earth Science, 43 (5), 1549-1561

Published in: May 2018

doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.413

this paper acknowledged the Aim for the Top University Program of Taiwan (03C0302) (Chinese with English abstract)

cited 3 times until 2024/05/02




¦a²y¬ì¾Ç¡A43 (5), 1549-1561, doi:10.3799/dqkx.2018.413, 2018)


(SCI) 386.

Ferrera, C.M.*, G.S. Jacinto, C.T.A. Chen and H.K. Lui

Organic carbon concentrations in high- and low-productivity areas of the Sulu Sea

Sustainability, 10 (6), 1867

Published on: 4 June 2018

doi: 10.3390/su10061867


cited 3 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 387.

Chen, C.T.A.*, J. Zhang, T.R. Peng, S. Kandasamy, D.L. Wang and Y.J. Lin

Submarine groundwater discharge around Taiwan

Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 37 (6), 18-22

Published on: 9 June 2018 (First Online)

doi: 10.1007/s13131-018-1216-2

this paper acknowledged the Aim for the Top University Program of the Ministry of Education under contract No. 06C030203; the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan under contract No. MOST 105-2611-M-110-017


cited 7 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 388.

Wang, S.L., C.T.A. Chen*, T.H. Huang, H.C. Tseng, H.K. Lui, T.R. Peng, S. Kandasamy, J. Zhang, L.Y. Yang, X.L. Gao, J.Y. Lou, F.W. Kuo, X.G. Chen, Y. Ye and Y.J. Lin

Submarine groundwater discharge helps making nearshore waters heterotrophic

Scientific Reports, 8, Article number: 11650

Published on: 3 August 2018

doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-30056-x

this paper acknowledged the Aim for the Top University Program of the Ministry of Education (06C030203; 07C080102), and by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST 105-2611-M-110-017; 105-2811-M-110-033; 106-2611-M-110-017; 106-2811-M-110-019)


cited 32 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 389

Cui, Q., X.Q. He*, Q. Liu, Y. Bai, C.T.A. Chen, X.Y. Chen and D.L. Pan

Estimation of lateral DOC transport in marginal sea based on remote sensing and numerical simulation

Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123 (8), 5525¡V 5542

Published on: 14 August 2018

doi: 10.1029/2018JC014079


cited 14 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 390.

Liu, K., X.L. Gao*, L. Li, C.T.A. Chen, Q.U. Xing

Determination of ultra-trace Pt, Pd and Rh in seawater using an off-line pre-concentration method and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry

Chemosphere, 212, 429-437

Published on: 20 August 2018 (Available online)

doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2018.08.098


cited 33 times until 2024/05/02



Lui, H.K. and C.T.A. Chen

Seawater acidification around Taiwan

In "World Seas: An Environmental Evaluation, Volume II: The Indian Ocean to the Pacific"

Charles Sheppard, ed., Academic Press, pp. 368-370

Published on: 5 September 2018

ISBN: 978-0-08-100853-9



(SCI) 392.

Kandasamy, S.*,  B.Z. Lin,  J.Y. Lou,  S. J. Kao,  C.T.A. Chen and L.M. Mayer

Estimation of marine versus terrigenous organic carbon in sediments off southwestern Taiwan using the bromine to total organic carbon ratio as a proxy

Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 123 (10), 3387-3402

Published on: October 2018 (First published: 24 September 2018)

doi: 10.1029/2018JG004674

this paper acknowledged the ROC NSC 86-2611-M-110-007W, 93-2621-Z-110-004, 95-2621-Z-110-005, 95-2611-M-110-001 and Aim for the Top University Plan 95C 0312


cited 11 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 393.

Li, T., Y. Bai*, X.Q. He*, X.Y. Chen, C.T.A. Chen, B.Y. Tao, D.L. Pan and X. Zhang

The relationship between POC export efficiency and primary production: opposite on the shelf and basin of the northern South China Sea

Sustainability, 10 (10), 3634

Published on: 11 October 2018

doi: 10.3390/su10103634


cited 15 times until 2024/05/02



Tseng, H.C., A. Newton, C.T.A. Chen*, A.V. Borges, T. A. DelValls

Social-environmental analysis of methane in the South China Sea and bordering countries

Anthropocene Coasts, 1 (1): 62-88

Published on: 17 October 2018


this paper acknowledged the Ministry of Science and Technology of the ROC, Taiwan (MOST 105-2611-M-110-017 and MOST 105-2119-M-110-004) and the Aim for the Top University Program Project (05C 030204 and 06C 030203)


cited 6 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 395.

Li, Y.F., K. Tang, L.B. Zhang, Z.H. Zhao, X.B. Xie, C.T.A. Chen,
D.L. Wang, N.Z. Jiao and Y. Zhang*

Coupled carbon, sulfur, and nitrogen cycles mediated by microorganisms in the water column of a shallow-water hydrothermal ecosystem

Frontiers in Microbiology, 9: 2718

Published on: 13 November 2018

doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.02718


cited 68 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 396.

Yang, L.Y.*,W. Chen, W.E. Zhuang, Q.O. Cheng, W.X. Li, H. Wang, W.D. Guo, C.T.A. Chen, M.H. Liu*

Characterization and bioavailability of rainwater dissolved organic matter at the southeast coast of China using absorption spectroscopy and fluorescence EEM-PARAFAC

Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 217, 45-55

Published on: 5 February 2019

doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2018.11.002


cited 63 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 397.

Shih, Y.Y., H.H. Lin, D.W. Li, H.H. Hsieh, C.C. Hung* and C.T.A. Chen

Elevated carbon flux in deep waters of the South China Sea

Scientific Reports, 9, Article number: 1496

Published on: 6 February 2019

doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-37726-w


cited 23 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 398.

Hung, J.J., S.H. Peng, C.T.A. Chen, T.P. Wei, J.S. Hwang*

Reproductive adaptations of the hydrothermal vent crab Xenograpus testudinatus: An isotopic approach

PLOS ONE 14 (2): e0211516

Published on: 07 February 2019

doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0211516


cited 8 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 399.

Liu, D., Y. Bai*, X.Q. He, D.L. Pan, C.T.A. Chen, T. Li, Y. Xu, C.H. Gong, L. Zhang

Satellite-derived particulate organic carbon flux in the Changjiang River through different stages of the Three Gorges Dam

Remote Sensing of Environment, 223, 154-165

Published on: 15 March 2019

doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2019.01.012


cited 36 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 400.

Liu, D., Y. Bai*, X.Q. He, B.Y. Tao, D.L. Pan, C.T.A. Chen, L. Zhang,
Y. Xu, C.H. Gong,

Satellite estimation of particulate organic carbon flux from Changjiang River to the estuary

Remote Sensing of Environment, 223, 307-319

Published on: 15 March 2019

doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2019.01.025


cited 31 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 401.

Lin, Y.S.*, H.K. Lui, J. Lee, C.T.A. Chen, G.S. Burr, W.C. Chou, F.W. Kuo

Fates of vent CO2 and its impact on carbonate chemistry in the shallow-water hydrothermal field offshore Kueishantao Islet, NE Taiwan

Marine Chemistry, 210, 1-12

Published on: 20 March 2019

doi: 10.1016/j.marchem.2019.02.002


cited 15 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 402.

Huang, T.H., C.T.A. Chen*, J. Lee, C.R. Wu, Y.L. Wang, Y. Bai, X.Q. He, S.L. Wang, S. Kandasamy, J.Y. Lou, B.J. Tsuang, H.W. Chen, R.S. Tseng and Y.J. Yang

East China Sea increasingly gains limiting nutrient P from South China Sea

Scientific Reports, 9, Article number: 5648

Published on: 4 April 2019


this paper acknowledged the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan, Republic of China, provided financial assistance for this work (MOST 106-2611-M-110-016 and 106-2811-M-110-019)


cited 43 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 403.

Yu, M.Z., X.-G. Chen*, D. Garbe-Schönberg, Y. Ye and , C.T.A. Chen

Volatile chalcophile elements in native sulfur from a submarine hydrothermal system at Kueishantao, offshore NE Taiwan

Minerals, 9 (4), 245

Published on: 21 April 2019

doi: 10.3390/min9040245


cited 9 times until 2024/05/02



Cheng, L.X., P.S. Loh*, Z.H. Lou, A.M. Jin, X.G. Chen, C.T.A. Chen, S.Y. He, L. Yang and H.W. Yuan

A 30-year record of sedimentary phosphorus species in a coastal salt marsh southwest of Hangzhou Bay, China

Cogent Environmental Science, 5 (1), 1636549

Published on: 10 July 2019

doi: 10.1080/23311843.2019.1636549


cited 4 times until 2024/05/02



Bode, A.*, F. Abrantes, A. Antunes, A. Benetazzo, C.T.A. Chen, E. Devred, M. Gade, E. Gràcia, J. Horstmann, D. Macías, J.M. Maina, P. Masqué, N. Meskhidze, L. Somoza

MDPI Oceans: A new publication channel for open access science focused on the ocean

Oceans, 1 (1), 1-5

Published on: 12 August 2019

doi: 10.3390/oceans1010001


cited 1 time until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 406.

Lu, Y.X., X.L. Gao* and C.T.A. Chen

Separation and determination of colloidal trace metals in seawater by cross-flow ultrafiltration, liquid-liquid extraction and ICP-MS

Marine Chemistry, 215, 103685

Published on: 20 September 2019 (available online 5 July 2019)



cited 21 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 407.

Liu, Q.Q.*, S. Kandasamy*, H.W. Wang, L. Wang, B.Z. Lin, A.G. Gao and C.T.A. Chen

Impact of hydrological conditions on the biogeochemical dynamics of suspended particulate organic matter in the upper mixed layer of the southern East China Sea

Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 124 (8), 6120¡V 6140

Published on: August 2019 (First published: 09 August 2019)

doi: 10.1029/2019JC015193


cited 14 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 408.

Chen, C.T.A.*, T.H. Huang, H.K. Lui and J. Zhang

Unheralded Submarine Groundwater Discharge

Oceanography & Fisheries Open Access Journal, 10 (5), 555797

Published on: 09 October 2019

doi: 10.19080/OFOAJ.2019.10.555797

this paper acknowledged the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of China (MOST 108-2611-M-110-016 and 108-2611-M-110-017)


cited 3 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 409.

Liu, D., Y. Bai*, X.Q. He, C.T.A. Chen, T.H. Huang, D.L. Pan, X.Y. Chen, D.F. Wang and L. Zhang

Changes in riverine organic carbon input to the ocean from mainland China over the past 60years

Environment International, 134, 105258

Published on: January 2020



cited 50 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 410.

Saleh, A.*, J.V. Samiei, F. Amini-Yekta, M.S. Hashtroudi, C.T.A. Chen, N.S. Fumani

The carbonate system on the coral patches and rocky intertidal habitats of the northern Persian Gulf: Implications for ocean acidification studies

Marine Pollution Bulletin, 151, 110834

Published on: February 2020

doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2019.110834


cited 3 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 411.

Chen, X.G.*, M.Z. Yu, P.S. Loh, D. Garbe-Schönberg, Z.Y. Qiu, M. Schmidt, H.Y. Zhang, C.T.A. Chen, H. Zheng, Y. Ye

A tidal-influenced hydrothermal system temporarily cooled by a tropical storm

Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 393, 106792

Published on: 1 March 2020

doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2020.106792


cited 3 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, X.G., B. Wu, H. Zheng, W. Fan, Y. Ye, C.T.A. Chen*

Hydrothermal systems at offshore Taiwan: Unique biological and geochemical characteristics

Haiyang Xuebao, 41(10): 161-168 (in Chinese with English abstract)

Published on: October 2019

doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.10.010



(SCI) 412.

Liu, L.L., C.Y. Hsieh, M.Y. Kuo, C.H. Chen, Y.H. Shau, H.K. Lui, C.S. Yuan, and C.T.A. Chen*

Evidence for fossil-fuel PM1 accumulation in marine biota

Environmental Science & Technology, 54(7), 4068-4078 

Published on: 7 April 2020

doi: 10.1021/acs.est.9b06976

This study was supported by the Asia-Pacific Ocean Research Center at the National Sun Yat-sen University with funding from the Ministry of Education, Taiwan, as well as the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (MOST 107- 2611-M-110-021; 108-2611-M-110-016)


cited 14 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 413.

Lin, Y.S., J. Lee, L.H. Lin, K.H. Fu, C.T.A. Chen, Y.H. Wang, I.H. Lee*

Biogeochemistry and dynamics of particulate organic matter in a shallow-water hydrothermal field (Kueishantao Islet, NE Taiwan)

Marine Geology, 422, 106121

Published on: April 2020

doi: 10.1016/j.margeo.2020.106121

This work was financed by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan to YSL [Grant #104-2611-M-110-013, 104-2911-1-110-507-MY2 and 105-2611-M-110-015], the Ministry of Education to LHL [Grant #108L901002], and the ¡§Aim for the Top¡¨ University Program of Taiwan.


cited 9 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 414.

Dang, X.Y., X.Y. Chen*, Y. Bai, X.Q He, C.T.A. Chen, T. Li, D.L. Pan, Z.K. Zhang

Impact of ENSO events on phytoplankton over the Sulu Ridge

Marine Environmental Research, 157, 104934

Published on: May 2020

doi: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2020.104934


cited 7 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 415

Huang, T.H., C.T.A. Chen*, Y. Bai and X.Q. He

Elevated primary productivity triggered by mixing in the quasi-cul-de-sac Taiwan Strait during the NE monsoon

Scientific Reports, 10, Article number: 7846

Published on: 12 May 2020


this paper acknowledged the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan, Republic of China, provided financial assistance for this work (MOST 108-2611-M-110-016 and 108-2811-M-110-521)


cited 10 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 416.

Lu, Y.X., X.L. Gao*, J.M. Song, C.T.A. Chen, J.L. Chu

Colloidal toxic trace metals in urban riverine and estuarine waters of

Yantai City, southern coast of North Yellow Sea

Science of the Total Environment, 717, 135265   

Published on: 15 May 2020



cited 17 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 417.

Cai, W.J.*, Y.Y. Xu, R.A. Feely, R. Wanninkhof, B. Jönsson, S.R. Alin, L. Barbero, J. Cross, K.O. Azetsu-Scott, A. Fassbender, B.R. Carter, L.Q. Jiang,  P. Pepin, B.S. Chen, N. Hussain, J. Reimer, L. Xue, J.E. Salisbury, J. M. Hernández-Ayón, C. Langdon, Q. Li, A.J. Sutton, C.T.A. Chen, and D.Gledhill

Controls on surface water carbonate chemistry along North American ocean margins

Nature Communications, 11, Article number: 2691

Published on: 1 June 2020



cited 103 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A.*, X.Y. Guo (eds.)

Changing Asia-Pacific Marginal Seas

Springer, Singapore, 320 pp.

First Online: 16 June 2020

ISBNs: 978-9-81-154885-7, 978-9-81-154886-4

doi: 10.1007/978-981-15-4886-4


cited 7 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A.*, X.Y. Guo


In: C.T.A. Chen, X.Y. Guo (eds) Changing Asia-Pacific Marginal Seas. Atmosphere, Earth, Ocean & Space. Springer, Singapore, Chap. 1, pp 1-4.

First Online: 16 June 2020

ISBNs: 978-9-81-154885-7, 978-9-81-154886-4

doi: 10.1007/978-981-15-4886-4_1




Chen, C.T.A.*, S.J. Yu, T.H. Huang, Y. Bai, X.Q. He

Changes in temperature, chlorophyll concentration, and Secchi disk depth in the Bering Sea from 1998 to 2016

In: C.T.A. Chen, X.Y. Guo (eds) Changing Asia-Pacific Marginal Seas. Atmosphere, Earth, Ocean & Space. Springer, Singapore, Chap. 2, pp 5-18.

First Online: 16 June 2020

ISBNs: 978-9-81-154885-7, 978-9-81-154886-4

doi: 10.1007/978-981-15-48864_2

The authors would like to thank the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of China, Taiwan, for financially supporting this research under contract MOST 107-2611-M-110-006, 107-2611-M-110-021 and 107-2611-M-110-012 and the Ministry of Education (Higher Education Sprout Program) of Republic of China.


cited 6 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A.*, S.J. Yu, T.H. Huang, Y. Bai, X.Q. He

Changes in temperature, chlorophyll concentration, and Secchi disk depth in the Okhotsk Sea from 1998 to 2016

In: C.T.A. Chen, X.Y. Guo (eds) Changing Asia-Pacific Marginal Seas. Atmosphere, Earth, Ocean & Space. Springer, Singapore Chap. 4, pp 57-68

First Online: 16 June 2020

ISBNs: 978-9-81-154885-7, 978-9-81-154886-4

The authors would like to thank the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of China, Taiwan, for financially supporting this research under contract MOST 107-2611-M-110-006, 107-2611-M-110-021 and 107-2611-M-110-012 and the Ministry of Education (Higher Education Sprout Program) of Republic of China.

doi: 10.1007/978-981-15-48864_4


cited 4 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A.*, S.J. Yu, T.H. Huang, H.K. Lui, Y. Bai, X.Q. He

Changing biogeochemistry in the South China Sea

In: C.T.A. Chen, X.Y. Guo (eds) Changing Asia-Pacific Marginal Seas. Atmosphere, Earth, Ocean & Space. Springer, Singapore, Chap. 12, pp 203-216

First Online: 16 June 2020

ISBNs: 978-9-81-154885-7, 978-9-81-154886-4

doi: 10.1007/978-981-15-48864_12

This chapter was supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST 107-2611-M-110-006 and 107-2611-M-110-021) and the Ministry of Education (Higher Education Sprout Program) of Republic of China.


cited 9 times until 2024/05/02



Lui, H.K.*, C.T.A. Chen, W.P. Hou, S.J. Yu, J.W. Chan, Y. Bai, X.Q. He
Transient carbonate chemistry in the expanded Kuroshio region.

In: C.T.A. Chen, X.Y. Guo (eds) Changing Asia-Pacific Marginal Seas. Atmosphere, Earth, Ocean & Space. Springer, Singapore, Chap. 16, pp 307-320.

First Online: 16 June 2020

ISBNs: 978-9-81-154885-7, 978-9-81-154886-4

doi: 10.1007/978-981-15-48864_16

This chapter was supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST 107-2611-M-110-006 and 107-2611-M-110-021) and the Ministry of Education (Higher Education Sprout Program) of Republic of China.


cited 6 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 424.

Lui, H.K.*, C.T.A. Chen*, W.P. Hou, J.M. Liau, W.C. Chou, Y.L. Wang, C.R. Wu, J. Lee, Y.C. Hsin and Y.Y. Choi

Intrusion of Kuroshio helps to diminish coastal hypoxia in the coast of northern South China Sea

Frontiers in Marine Science, 7:565952

Published on: 8 October 2020


This research was funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan (MOST 108-2611-M-110-016).


cited 12 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 425.

Huang, W.J.*, K.J. Kao, Y.S. Lin, C.T.A. Chen, J.T. Liu

Daily to weekly impacts of mixing and biological activity on carbonate dynamics in a large river-dominated shelf

Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 245, 106914

Published on: 30 October 2020



cited 4 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 426.

Zhang, Z., W. Fan, W. Bao, C.T.A. Chen; S. Liu, Y. Cai*

Recent developments of exploration and detection of shallow-water Hydrothermal Systems

Sustainability, 12 (21), 9109

Published on: 2 November 2020



cited 13 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 427.

Chen, C.T.A.*, Y. Bai*, T.H. Huang, X.Q. He, H.W. Chen and S.J. Yu

Southward spreading of the Changjiang Diluted Water in the La Niña spring of 2008

Scientific Reports, 11, Article number: 307

Published on: 11 January 2021

doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-79634-y

This paper thanks the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan (MOST-108-2611-M-110-016; MOST-108-2611-M-110-017) for supporting this research.


cited 9 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 428.

Chen, C.T.A.*, T.H. Huang*, C.H. Wu, H.Y. Yang, X.Y. Guo

Variability of the nutrient stream near Kuroshio's origin

Scientific Reports, 11, Article number: 5080

Published on: 3 March 2021

doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-84420-5

This research was supported by the Ministry of Education (Higher Education Sprout Program) and by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of China (MOST 108-2611-M-110-016 and 108-2811-M-110-521).


cited 10 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 429.

Yang, B., X.L. Gao*, J.M. Zhao, Y.L. Liu, T.C Gao, H.K. Lui, T.H. Huang, C.T.A. Chen, Q.G. Xing

The influence of summer hypoxia on sedimentary phosphorus

biogeochemistry in a coastal scallop farming area, North Yellow Sea

Science of the Total Environment, 759, Article 143486

Published on: 10 March 2021

doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.143486


cited 21 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 430.

Saleh, A.*, B. Abtahi, N. Mirzaei, C.T.A. Chen*, H. Ershadifar, M. Ghaemi, A. Hamzehpour, E. Abedi

Hypoxia in the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz

Marine Pollution Bulletin, 167, 112354

Published on: June 2021

doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.112354


cited 26 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 431.

Huang, T.H., W.J. Cai*, P. Vlahos, D.W.R. Wallace, E.R. Lewis, C.T.A. Chen

The Mid-Atlantic Bight dissolved inorganic carbon system observed in the March 1996 DOE Ocean Margins Program (OMP) -A baseline study

Frontiers in Marine Science, 8:629412

published on: 29 June 2021

doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.629412


cited 1 time until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 432.

Wu, J.Y., S.Y. Lin, S.H. Peng, J.J. Hung, C.T.A. Chen, L.L. Liu*

Isotopic niche differentiation in benthic consumers from shallow-water hydrothermal vents and nearby non-vent rocky reefs in northeastern Taiwan

Progress in Oceanography, 195, Article 102596

Published on: July 2021

doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2021.102596

This study was supported by the Asia-Pacific Ocean Research Center, National Sun Yat-sen University, and funded by the Ministry of Education, Taiwan


cited 4 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 433.

Lu, K.T., H.K. Lui*, C.T.A. Chen*, L.L. Liu, L. Yang, C. D. Dong, C.W. Chen

Using onboard-produced drinking water to achieve a ballast-free management

Sustainability, 13 (14), 7648

Published on: 8 July 2021


This research was funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan, under the following contract numbers: MOST 109-2611-M-110-016


cited 8 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 434.

Wang, H.W., S. Kandasamy*, Q.Q. Liu, B.Z. Lin, J.Y. Lou, Y. Veeran, H.Y. Lei, Z.F. Liu, C.TA. Chen

Roles of sediment supply, geochemical composition and monsoon on organic matter burial along the longitudinal mud belt in the East China Sea in modern times

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 305, 66-86

Published on: 15 July 2021

doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2021.04.025


cited 13 times until 2024/05/02



Chen, C.T.A.*

The Much Overrated Microbial Carbon Pump in the Oceans

International Journal of Environmental Sciences & Natural Resources,28(4): 556241

Published on: 26 July 2021

doi: 10.19080/IJESNR.2021.28.556241

Financial support from the Ministry of Science and Technology of the ROC (MOST 110-2611-M-110-008) is acknowledged


cited 0 time until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 436.

Chen, X.G.*, M. Schmidt, C.L. Chen, W. Duan, A. Jin, C.T.A Chen*, Y. Ye

Carbon and hydrogen isotope fractionation during aerobic oxidation of short-chain alkanes in experimental incubations of vent fluids

Organic Geochemistry, 158, 104269

Published on: August 2021 (available online 26 June 2021)

doi: 10.1016/j.orggeochem.2021.104269

This research is supported by the Aim for the Top University Program of Taiwan (03C0302)


cited 3 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 437.

Wu, J.Y., S.Y. Lin, S.H. Peng, J.J. Hung, C.T.A. Chen, L.L. Liu*

Data on isotopic niche differentiation in benthic consumers from shallow-water hydrothermal vents and nearby non-vent rocky reefs in northeastern Taiwan

Data in Brief, 37, 107216

Published on: August 2021 (available online 15 June 2021)

doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2021.107216


cited 1 time until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 438.

Chen, C.T.A., M.Y. Kuo* and L.L. Liu*

The overlooked PM cycle through marine animals

Environmental Analysis & Ecology Studies, 9(1), EAES. 000702. 2021.

Published on: 01 September 2021

doi: 10.31031/EAES.2021.09.000702

Financial support from the Asia-Pacific Ocean Research Center at the National Sun Yat-sen University with funding from the Ministry of Education, Taiwan, and the ROC's Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST 110-2611-M-110-008) are acknowledged.



cited 0 time until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 439.

Lui, H.K.*, M.Y. Liu, H.C. Lin, H.C. Tseng, L.L. Liu, F.Y. Wang, W.P. Hou, R. Chang, C.T.A. Chen*

Hydrogeochemistry and Acidic Property of Submarine Groundwater Discharge Around Two Coral Islands in the Northern South China Sea

Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, Article 697388

Published on: 09 September 2021

doi: 10.3389/feart.2021.697388

This research was funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan (MOST 109-2611-M-110-016).


cited 2 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 440.

Loh, P.S.*, C.T.A. Chen*, T.H. Huang, H.K. Lui, J.Y. Lou, H.W. Yuan, L.X. Cheng, X.G. Chen, J.F. Chen

Monitoring Sediment and Water Chemistry in Small Remote Aquatic Systems in East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea

Water Air And Soil Pollution, 232 (11), Article number: 446

Published on: November 2021 (available online 20 October 2021)

doi: 10.1007/s11270-021-05359-x

This study acknowledges the NSC 101-2611-M-110¡V010-MY3, MOST 104¡V2611-M-110¡V016


cited 1 time until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 441.

Huang, W.J.*, M.T. Lee, K.C. Huang, M.A. Lee, Y.J. Yang, S. Jan, C.T.A Chen*

Radiocesium in the Taiwan Strait and the Kuroshio east of Taiwan from 2018 to 2019.

Scientific Reports, 11, Article number 22467

Published on: 17 November 2021

doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-01895-y

This study was funded by the Radiation Monitoring Center, Atomic Energy Council (Grant No. #107-0103 and 108-0103).


cited 4 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 442.

Yang, B., X.L. Gao*, J.M. Zhao*, Y.L. Liu, H.K. Lui, T.H. Huang, C.T.A. Chen, Q.G. Xing

Massive shellfish farming might accelerate coastal acidification: A case study on carbonate system dynamics in a bay scallop (Argopecten irradians) farming area, North Yellow Sea.

Science of The Total Environment, 798, Article 149214,

Published on: 1 December 2021 (available online 22 July 2021)

doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.149214


cited 28 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 443.

Chen, X.G.*, M.Z. Yu, Z.Y. Qiu, P.S. Loh, C.T.A. Chen, D. Garbe-Schönberg, M. Schmidt, X.Y. Wang, Y. Ye

High-Ca vent fluids discharged from the Lutao arc volcanic hydrothermal system are associated with albitization and recycling of marine carbonate

Chemical Geology, 585, 120583

Published on: 20 December 2021

doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2021.120583

This work was financially supported by the Aim for the Top University Program of Taiwan (03C0302).


cited 1 time until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 444.

Pan, Y.W.*, Y.F. Li, Q.W. Ma, H.Q. He, S.Y. Wang, Z.T. Sun, W.J. Cai, B. Dong, Y.N. Di, W.Q. Fu, C.T.A. Chen

The role of Mg2+ in inhibiting CaCO3 precipitation from seawater

Marine Chemistry, 237, 104036

Published on: 20 December 2021 (available online 5 October 2021)

doi: https:10.1016/j.marchem.2021.104036


cited 42 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 445.

Zeng, Z.G.*, X.H. Li, S.A. Chen, Y.X. Zhang, Z.X. Chen, and C.T.A. Chen

Iron-Copper-Zinc Isotopic Compositions of Andesites from the Kueishantao Hydrothermal Field off Northeastern Taiwan

Sustainability, 14(1), 359

Published on: January 2022 (available online 29 December 2021)

doi: 10.3390/su14010359


cited 3 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 446.

Jiang, L.Q.*, D. Pierrot, R. Wanninkhof, R.A. Feely, B. Tilbrook, S. Alin, L. Barbero, R.H. Byrne, B.R. Carter, A.G. Dickson, J.P. Gattuso, D. Greeley, M. Hoppema, M.P. Humphreys, J. Karstensen, N. Lange, S.K. Lauvset, E.R. Lewis, A. Olsen, F.F. Pérez, C. Sabine, J.D. Sharp, T. Tanhua, T.W. Trull, A. Velo, A.J. Allegra, P. Barker, E. Burger, W.J. Cai, C.T.A. Chen, J. Cross, H. Garcia, J.M. Hernandez-Ayon, X. Hu, A. Kozyr, C. Langdon, K. Lee, J. Salisbury, Z.A. Wang and L. Xue

Best Practice Data Standards for Discrete Chemical Oceanographic Observations.

Frontiers in Marine Science, 8: 705638

Published on: 21 January 2022

doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.705638


cited 22 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 447.

Mei, K., D.L. Wang*, Y. Jiang, M.Q. Shi, C.T.A. Chen, Y. Zhang, and K. Tang

Transformation, Fluxes and Impacts of Dissolved Metals from Shallow Water Hydrothermal Vents on Nearby Ecosystem Offshore of Kueishantao (NE Taiwan).

Sustainability, 14(3), 1754

Published on: February 2022 (available online 3 February 2022)

doi: 10.3390/su14031754


cited 4 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 448.

Li, J.W., L.P. Zhang, Y.F. Li, K.H. Liu, Y.Q. Liu, S.J. Huang, F.R. Li, C.T.A. Chen, Y. Zhang, and A.Y. Hu.

A Comprehensive Profile of Antibiotic Resistance Genes in the Water Column of a Shallow-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Ecosystem

Sustainability, 14(3), 1776

Published on: February 2022 (available online 4 February 2022)

doi: 10.3390/su14031776


cited 2 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 449.

Zeng, Z.G.*¡AX.Y. Wang, X.B. Yin, S.A. Chen, H.Y. Qi, H., and C.T.A. Chen

Strontium, Hydrogen and Oxygen Behavior in Vent Fluids and Plumes from the Kueishantao Hydrothermal Field Offshore Northeast Taiwan: Constrained by Fluid Processes

Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10(7), 845

Published on: 21 June 2022



cited 3 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 450.

Chen, C.T.A.*, T.H. Huang, W.J. Huang, Y.J. Yang, S. Jan, M.A. Lee, M.T. Lee

The Kuroshio radiocesium stream

Marine Pollution Bulletin, 182, 114026

Published on: September 2022 (Available online 10 August 2022)

This research was sponsored by the ROC Atomic Energy Commission (09P1700161) and the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan (MOST 110-2611-M-110-008).



cited 2 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 451.

You, S.Z., P.S. Loh*, C.T.A. Chen*, G.Z. Anshari*, J.T. Wang, J.Y. Lou, S.L. Wang, B.J. Wang and H.Y. Chen

Biogeochemistry of sedimentary phosphorus species in the world¡¦s longest river on an Island, the Kapuas River (West Kalimantan, Indonesia)

Chemistry and Ecology, 38(8), 773-787

Published online: 26 August 2022

This study acknowledges the Taiwan National Science Council Research Grants NSC 101-2611-M-110-010-MY3, MOST 110-2611-M-110-008 and the Aim for the Top University Program Project 03C030204.

doi: 10.1080/02757540.2022.2117309


cited 1 time until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 452.

Chen, X.F., Tang, K.*, M. Zhang, M.M. Chen, P.W. Zhan, W. Fan, C.T.A Chen, Y. Zhang

Genome-centric insight into metabolically active microbial population in shallow-sea hydrothermal vents

Microbiome, 10, 170

Published on: 14 October 2022

doi: 10.1186/s40168-022-01351-7


cited 2 times until 2024/05/02



Huang, T.H., M.T. Lee, W.J. Huang, M.A. Lee, S. Jan, Y.J. Yang, C.T.A. Chen*

Cs-137 in waters surrounding Taiwan from 2018 to 2021.

PANGAEA, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.949281

Published on: October 2022

This research was sponsored by the ROC Atomic Energy Commission (09P1700161) and the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST 111-2611-M-110-017).

cited 0 time until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 454.

Liu, Q.Q. S. Kandasamy*, W.D. Zhai, H.W. Wang, Y. Veeran, A. Gao and C.T.A. Chen

Temperature is a better predictor of stable carbon isotopic compositions in marine particulates than dissolved CO2 concentration.

Communications Earth & Environment, 3, Article number: 303.

Published on: 01 December 2022 (Open Access)

doi: 10.1038/s43247-022-00627-y


cited 3 times until 2024/05/02


 (SCI) 455.

Chen, C.T.A.*, S.J. Yu, T.H. Huang, Y. Bai, X.Q. He, and H.K. Lui

Temperature and Secchi Disk Depth Increase More Rapidly in the Subpolar Bering/Okhotsk Seas Than in the Subtropical South China Sea.

Water, 15(1), 98.

Published on: January 2023 (Available online 28 December 2022, Open Access)

The authors would like to thank the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan for supporting this research under contract MOST 109-2611-M-110-016 and the Ministry of Education (Higher Education Sprout Program) of Taiwan.

doi: 10.3390/w15010098


cited 2 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 456.

Lee, J.*, J.T. Liu, Y.S. Lin, C.T.A. Chen and B.S. Wang

The contrast in suspended particle dynamics at surface and near bottom on the river-dominated northern South China Sea shelf in summer: implication on physics and biogeochemistry coupling.

Frontiers in Marine Science, 10:1156915.

Published on: 28 April 2023.

doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1156915


cited 1 time until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 457.

Chen, C.T.A*, S. Jan, M.H. Chen, L.L. Liu, J.F. Huang and Y.J. Yang

Far-Field Influences Shadow the Effects of a Nuclear Power Plant¡¦s Discharges in a Semi-Enclosed Bay

Sustainability, 15(1), 9092.

Published on: 5 June 2023

This research was funded by Taiwan Power Company (12Q210073-1), National Science and Technology Council (MOST 111-2611-M-110-017), and the Ministry of Education (Higher Education Sprout Program, 12C0902).



cited 2 times until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 458.

Wu, J.Y., S.Y. Lin, J.F. Huang, C.T.A. Chen, J.J. Hung, S.H. Peng, and L.L. Liu*

Differential feeding habits of the shallow-water hydrothermal vent crab Xenograpsus testudinatus correlate with their resident vent types at a scale of meters

Biogeosciences, 20, 2693¡V2706

Published on: 12 July 2023

This research has been supported by the Asia-Pacific Ocean Research Center, National Sun Yat-sen University, funded by the Ministry of Education, Taiwan.



cited 1 time until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 459.

Huang, J.F.*, C.T.A. Chen, M.H. Chen, S.L. Huang, and P.Y. Hsu

Structural Equation Modeling of the Marine Ecological System in Nanwan Bay Using SPSS Amos

Sustainability, 15(14), 11435

Published on: 24 July 2023

doi: 10.3390/su151411435


cited 0 time until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 460.

Pan, Y.W.*, Y.F. Li, C.T.A. Chen, Z.P. Jiang, W.J. Cai, Y.W. Shen, Z.S. Ding, Q.X. Chen, Y.N. Di, W. Fan, C.B. Zhu, N.Z. Jiao, Y. Chen

New pathway of diatom-mediated calcification and its impact on the biological pump

Science Bulletin, 68(21), 2540-2543

Published on:15 November 2023

doi: 10.1016/j.scib.2023.08.020


cited 0 time until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 461.

Chen, M.M., Y.F. Li, K. Tang, A.Y. Hu, W. Fan, D.L. Wang, C.T.A. Chen, Y. Zhang*

Highly diverse diazotrophs drive high N2 fixation rates in a shallow submarine hydrothermal system

Fundamental Research, in press, 2023

Published: Available online 3 October 2023

doi: 10.1016/j.fmre.2023.07.009


cited 0 time until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 462.

Loh, P.S.*, A.M. Jin*, Z.H. Lou, X.G. Chen, S.Y. He, C.T.A. Chen, S. Parker, J.X. Hu, H.W. Yuan and L.X. Cheng

Trends of carbon and nutrient accumulation through time in the Andong salt marsh, Hangzhou Bay, China

Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 41, 2134-2145

Published on: 5 October 2023

doi: 10.1007/s00343-023-2305-4


cited 0 time until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 463.

Huang, T.H., M.T. Lee, W.J. Huang, L.Y. Tao, M.A. Lee, S. Jan, Y.J. Yang, C.T.A. Chen*

Dataset on Cs-137 in waters surrounding Taiwan

Data in Brief, 51, Article 109758

Published on: December 2023

This research was sponsored by the ROC Atomic Energy Commission (09P1700161) and the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST 111¡V2611-M-110¡V017).

doi: 0.1016/j.dib.2023.109758


cited 0 time until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 464.

Ding, Z.S., X. Zhang, T.A. Cheng, Y.W. Shen, W.-J. Cai, C.T.A. Chen, Z.J. Yang, T.T. Liu, J.X. Xiao, M.S. Xia, Y. Chen, Y.W. Pan*

Unlocking high carbonation efficiency: Direct CO2 mineralization with fly ash and seawater

Chemical Engineering Science, 282, Article 119349

Published on: 5 December 2023

doi: 10.1016/j.ces.2023.119349


cited 1 time until 2024/05/02


(SCI) 465.

Deng, W.C.*, Z.H. Zhao, Y.F. Li, R.G. Cao, M.M. Chen, K. Tang, D.L. Wang, W. Fan, A.Y. Hu, G.C. Chen, C.T.A. Chen and Y. Zhang*

Strategies of chemolithoautotrophs adapting to high temperature and extremely acidic conditions in a shallow hydrothermal ecosystem

Microbiome, 11 (1), Article number: 270

Published on: 5 December 2023 (Open Access)

doi: 10.1186/s40168-023-01712-w


cited 0 time until 2024/05/02



Wilson, S.J.*, Moody, A., McKenzie, T., Cardenas, M.B., Luijendijk, E., Sawyer, A.H., Wilson, A., Michael, H.A., Xu, B., Knee, K.L., Cho, H.-M., Weinstein, Y., Paytan, A., Moosdorf, N., Chen, C.T.A., Beck, M., Lopez, C., Murgulet, D., Kim, G., Charette, M.A., Waska, H., Ibánhez, J.S.P., Chaillou, G., Oehler, T., Onodera, S., Saito, M., Rodellas, V., Dimova, N., Montiel, D., Dulai, H., Richardson, C., Du, J., Petermann, E., Chen, X., Davis, K.L., Lamontagne, S., Sugimoto, R., Wang, G., Li, H., Torres, A.I., Demir, C., Bristol, E., Connolly, C.T., McClelland, J.W., Silva, B.J., Tait, D., Kumar, B., Viswanadham, R., Sarma, V., Silva-Filho, E., Shiller, A., Lecher, A., Tamborski, J., Bokuniewicz, H., Rocha, C., Reckhardt, A., Böttcher, M.E., Jiang, S., Stieglitz, T., Gbewezoun, H.G.V., Charbonnier, C., Anschutz, P., Hernández-Terrones, L.M., Babu, S., Szymczycha, B., Sadat-Noori, M., Niencheski, F., Null, K., Tobias, C., Song, B., Anderson, I.C. and Santos, I.R.

Global coastal groundwater and subterranean estuary nutrients [dataset].

PANGAEA, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.955032

Published on: 9 September 2023


(SCI) 467.

Wu, J.Y., X.G. Chen*, M. Schmidt, X.H. Li*, C.T.A. Chen, Y. Ye

Recycled materials and secondary processes controlled the chemical and isotopic compositions of bubbling gases discharged from two adjacent geothermal springs in the Northern Luzon Arc.

Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 451, Article 108108

Published on: July 2024 (Full text access)

doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2024.108108



(SCI) 468.

Wilson, S.J.*, Moody, A., McKenzie, T., Cardenas, M.B., Luijendijk, E., Sawyer, A.H., Wilson, A., Michael, H.A., Xu, B., Knee, K.L., Cho, H.-M., Weinstein, Y., Paytan, A., Moosdorf, N., Chen, C.T.A., Beck, M., Lopez, C., Murgulet, D., Kim, G., Charette, M.A., Waska, H., Ibánhez, J.S.P., Chaillou, G., Oehler, T., Onodera, S.-i., Saito, M., Rodellas, V., Dimova, N., Montiel, D., Dulai, H., Richardson, C., Du, J., Petermann, E., Chen, X., Davis, K.L., Lamontagne, S., Sugimoto, R., Wang, G., Li, H., Torres, A.I., Demir, C., Bristol, E., Connolly, C.T., McClelland, J.W., Silva, B.J., Tait, D., Kumar, B., Viswanadham, R., Sarma, V., Silva-Filho, E., Shiller, A., Lecher, A., Tamborski, J., Bokuniewicz, H., Rocha, C., Reckhardt, A., Böttcher, M.E., Jiang, S., Stieglitz, T., Gbewezoun, H.G.V., Charbonnier, C., Anschutz, P., Hernández-Terrones, L.M., Babu, S., Szymczycha, B., Sadat-Noori, M., Niencheski, F., Null, K., Tobias, C., Song, B., Anderson, I.C. and Santos, I.R.

Global subterranean estuaries modify groundwater nutrient loading to the ocean.

Limnology and Oceanography Letters, 9(4): 411-422

Published on: August 2024 (First published: 16 May 2024, Open Access)

doi: 10.1002/lol2.10390



(SCI) 469.

Lin, Y.J., T.C. Chen, C.T.A. Chen, S.L. Wong, P.J. Meng and M.H. Chen*

Long-term monitoring dataset of plankton assemblages in western Taiwan coastal water.

Scientific Data, 11, Article number: 917

Published on: 23 August 2024 (Open Access)

doi: 10.1038/s41597-024-03784-1



(SCI) 470.

Lin, P.Y., S.L. Hsieh, D.S. Ding, C.T.A. Chen, D.E. Beck and S.C. Hsieh*

Microplastics alter crystal growth in coral skeleton structures

Environmental Chemistry Letters, 23(1), 7-11, 2025.

Published on: February 2025

doi: 10.1007/s10311-024-01790-8



(SCI) 471.

Lin, Y.J., T.C. Chen, C.T.A. Chen, S.L. Wong, P.J. Meng, M.H. Chen*

Decreases in pH from effluent had a devastating but reversible impact on the coastal plankton communities

Marine Pollution Bulletin, 211, Article 117359

Published on: February 2025 (Full text access)

doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2024.117359






H = 81 (from Googles Scholar, updated on January 24, 2025)

Googles Scholar: Chen-Tung Arthur Chen

H = 69 (from Web of Science, updated on January 24, 2025)

Web of Science ResearcherID: C-8901-2011

Publons: Chen-Tung Arthur Chen

ORCID: 0000-0002-5170-6471


*2001= articles published in year 2001